Monday, October 27, 2008

What's so special about a blue rose?

Whilst setting up this blog, I had to go to google images to look for blue roses. Gosh, my fascination with them just deepened..(almost all my email addresses have blueroses in them, haha) There's this ethereal and mysterious quality about a blue rose. Yes, the red is sexy and alluring while the blue is almost cold and forlorn.. but to me it is regal, deep and beautiful in an understated way... Well maybe I like it because I'm not the loud and exhibitionist sort of person, so blue roses strike me better than red.. 

Do you know... blue roses were traditionally created by dyeing white roses, since roses lack a gene to produce delphinidin, the primary plant pigment that produces true blue flowers. Because of this blue roses traditionally signify mystery or attaining the impossible.(but now they are able to by using a gene-silencing technology. Read all about it at ) They are believed to grant the owner youth or grant wishes... Hmm.. the last time i got a blue rose was in 2007.  So you know what to give me for christmas now, don't you? *wink  ( jus kidding)

So what does it mean if you give someone a blue rose? According to a florist website,  the blue rose is often a sign of enchantment and love at first sight. Those who have been enraptured by feelings of love and adoration have used these roses to express their romantic feelings and intention. 

Well what do you think of blue roses?

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