Tuesday, March 27, 2012

What people really need ...

The recent news about the teacher who molested some boys got me thinking why did the boys allow him to do all that? Was it really for the game device he offered them to play? No.. I'm sure if it was a stranger who offered them they would hv refused.. It's cos of the trust between them and the teache. He was said to be a loving and caring teacher. So the boys felt they could trust him cos he gave them a little of what everyone needs - love and acceptance.. But he took advantage of their needs and turned it to his advantage.

So ...If a woman who needs love does not get enough of it cos her partner only spends time with her in bed, then is she to blame for straying?? It becomes a chore to have sex with someone that you don't feel much for anymore...

I feel for all women who has to give sex but does not have her emotional needs for love met.. It's like groping in the dark.. U are scared to let go but you don't like being in the dark either.. Till you see a light, you just have to hold on...

Saturday, March 17, 2012

No one has the right to make you feel inferior

This is a famous quote of Eleanor Roosevelt. Recently a close friend of mine lamented about having small boobs. She says her bf is always ogling at big breasted women when they are together, even to the point of staring at them openly or turning his head to look at them when they passed by. He would also describe how big the breasts of certain actresses or women he found to be hot. I know how she feels cos I don't have big boobs myself. But I told her- no one has the right to make you feel inferior. You choose whether you want to feel inferior or great about your small boobs. She said what is there to feel great about small boobs? I told her that having healthy boobs is already something to feel great about, regardless of size. Secondly they are supposed to be more sensitive and it's also easier to find clothing to fit smaller boobs than larger ones. No worries bout backache and also no worries about sagging! More importantly to me, they don't get in the way of sports. And when a guy is interested in me, I can be sure it's not cos of my big boobs! Then she says what if her bf feels big boobs turns him
on? My answer is - tell him to go find a gal who has big boobs if that is what he is always looking at! Seriously if it's me and I see my guy ogling and staring at big boobs, I won't get upset. I'd just say to him - oh since you are so interested in big boobs, I'm going to let you go so you can go find some! As for me I'd also be free to find a guy who will love my small perky boobs! Hey life is too short to waste on regrets and second choices! I'm not ashamed of my small boobs at all. They are part of my whole package and there are guys out there who LOVE small boobs and this is some comments from men that I got from this website (http://www.007b.com/small_breasts.php)

"I am a male and stumbled upon this site by accident, and I am amazed that so many women think that men like big breasts. I am a normal man and I can tell you that size A and B cups are the most attractive breasts, they don't sag, they have nice shape and are very attractive and normal............. trust me. It is not a competition, ladies. Bigger is not better. It is a myth created by women and some stupid men. Small is good. "

"I would like to say this, as a man, it is not up to me to tell women, what you look like.
It is not up to anyone to tell you that size 0 is your goal.
You are lovely.
No breasts are "perfect" - screw that, breasts are wonderful.
I'm 100% in encouragement of all of you who have breasts.
You are not sexual objects, you are women.


"I once knew a woman with the most perfect breasts, the right size and shape, (whatever that means), but she was the UGLIEST woman that I have ever met, because she had a really ugly mental attitude! What attracts men to women is their personalities. When you become old, the one thing that will still make you beautiful and desireable will be the type of person that you are, it has absolutely NOTHING to do with your physical appearance. I am happily married to the most wonderful woman, and I've been married to her for 38 years. All her bits have headed south, gravity has managed to pull everything down, but I still think that she's the greatest thing since sliced bread, purely because she has the most amazing personality. So come on ladies, stop worrying about your physical bits, they don't count for diddly-squat! "

"Please, be glad for what you have. Many men out there, myself included, prefer women with small breasts. I am actually turned off by large breasts, I do not find them aesthetically pleasing. All those women out there that have had surgery to enlarge their breasts have, in my opinion, wasted their money! Instead of worrying about having small breasts, and buying into the stupid commercial objectification of large breasts, learn to like yourself for who you are, and find a guy that likes you for who you are.


I told her that she should not let her bf's taste for big boobs make her feel inferior but rather take it as a blessing that she can stand up for herself and make the choice whether to leave him for someone who will love her completely for what she is. All she needs is ONE man to love her small boobs, not the whole world! Anyway boobs is not what defines a woman. It is her graciousness, her warmth, her gentleness, her body curves and her softness plus other characteristics that makes her a woman too.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Swimming better day by day..

Always seek to improve..
