Saturday, November 1, 2008


Hey i found this really cool quote on a website :

Age does not protect us from love, but love to some extent protects us from age

"No matter what lifestyle we lead, there is no escape from age. We will at some point in our life, wake up and realize that we are no longer young, we will have to accept that our health is more fragile, our strength is less strong and our beauty is fading we will have to accept the natural process of aging, and nothing in the world can stop that but being in love keeps us young at heart, makes us age gracefully, keeps us healthier and that is also a fact. I like to say that Love sugar-coats age! Compare an old lonely woman to a woman of the same age surrounded by her children and the ones she loves, you will definitely see a huge difference, in physical as well as emotional well being. So I agree that being surrounded by love will surround us by positive energy and will keep age to some extent away. But does age keep love away? No. Love has no age. You can fall in love and keep on loving those around you and life even if you live more than 200 years! "

I so agree with this quote.. when I love, i feel so young..laughing, joking, smiling and hugging..I feel so happy and light. That's how i know i'm in love... Of coz we have our quarrels and arguments too, but they are few and each time it happens, we feel so awful being apart that we get even closer after that!

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