Saturday, September 15, 2012

Donnie Yen- my hero, my aspiration

Look at him- so strong, sexy and youthful! He's actually a year older than me! Who says men in their forties can't look good? In fact it's easy for men and women to look good in their twenties but once they pass 30, many start losing their muscle tone and shape, citing work and family as excuses. Well it's their own loss, co I too had work n family in my thirties but I did not use them as excuses not to keep fit. I was so fit in my late thirties that my ex principal asked me to be her trainer! Later in my early fortes I even added studies, but it still did not deter me from keeping slim and fit. That's why I'm choosing Donnie Yen to be my role model cos he's older than me but still fighting fit! Many may argue that it is his job to keep fit but regardless of that, we can all put in at least 30 min a day to keep fit and more if it is not enough.

Recently at City Hall, I met a caucasian that kinda looked like him. The build, the eyes and the smile. But too bad I'm married but it's still an ego-booster to be noticed by such a hunk!

Well I'm inspired to continue to train hard but also play hard. I've done my part to bring up two lovely kids and I'm still taking care of their father. But what I still lack isn't found at home. Nothing can stop me from going for what I want and need. Interestingly, I have simian lines on both hands and it's been said that people with such characteristics are rare, different and intense. They are very emotional and focused on reaching their goals. No wonder I'm an all or nothing person. I have been criticized for being like this but I don't care, I am who I am and I'm determined to find that missing link in my heart..

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