Friday, December 31, 2010

Courage in being who we are ..

It's not easy to be who we really are in this world where life is often like being on a stage or modelling run-way. We are under constant scrutiny for what we say and do. Strangers and close friends alike make verbal and non-verbal judgements on our appearances, behaviour, lifestyles, status and character, whether we like it or not. It's only when we are in private - when we are alone - that we can truly be ourselves without fear of being judged... but are we sure we still are not being watched? Sometimes even our absence or non-presence in public leads to prying eyes and assumptions about what we really are up to..

In setting up this blog, I was hoping to share some of my thoughts to the world... I do not know if this action of mine will benefit anyone but it definitely benefitted me cos in writing this blog, I'm giving shape to who I am. I'm being courageous in being who I am. But not surprisingly, I've got criticisms from readers who think I'm being too blatant bout sharing what I think or feel. It is ironic to me that they read my blog to find out what I'm thinking or feeling but yet they should criticise my openness... It takes two hands to clap, doesn't it? A cliched expression, but I can't think of any other to describe the irony here. If I should be a lustful man who seeks sexual thrills, should I be criticising the women who offer me such services? These women's bodies dun belong to me. Who am I to judge their morals if mine aren't tat great either? Similarly, if I like to read people's blogs, should I be criticising what they write? After all, it is THEIR blog so it's their choice what they want to write in it. Sure, they can't stop people from judging their character from what they post, but aren't we being narrow-minded to judge someone just based on what they post? Blogging is just a form of expression. Bloggers might even create a different identity in their blogs. A blogger who writes sexually explicit posts about his sexual exploits might really turn out to be a very shy person who has no sexual experience at all.

Anyway having said all that, I realise that my candidness here is still a bitter pill for some to swallow. I apologise to those of you who have winced at my candidness. That's why I have removed certain posts and shall from now on, only post what is socially acceptable. Thank you all for your feedback and may you all have a Happy New Year with good health and overwhelming prosperity!

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