Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Im so looking forward to 2009. Really. I think I have finally learnt to overcome the fear of aging and look forward to being more mature and better. One good thing about getting older is that you get so much better at whatever you put your mind to. These are my New Year Resolutions :

1. Be patient and encouraging especially when I help Mark with his studies, especially Chinese. Because of how easy it is to learn things, I have been very impatient and critical.

2. Be committed to a more intensive exercise program. Pick up inline skating and be able to skate well by end of 2009.

3. Be kind to myself and accept myself as I am - stop comparing with others.

4. Say YES more often!!

Here's wishing all of you the best of health, great wealth, lasting happiness and deep peace in the year 2009. Do exercise,laugh, forgive and forget MORE and complain, whine and criticize LESS. Happy new year!! Cheerzzz!

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