Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Today's weather forecast is mostly clouds of hugs and showers of blessings from Heaven guaranteed! What is the meaning of Christmas? After going through so many Christmases, it kinda loses its magic so I'm trying to make new meaning of it this year.. To me, Christmas is about hope and love, humility and joy.. Ok what did i get for Christmas? Among the gifts I got are a lovely white Fossil watch, a Wii and an ipod Nano.. But the best Christmas gift I wish for is to have all these even in the most extenuating of circumstances. God knows I need these most of all as I've gone through years and years of doubt and lack of faith in myself and others.. But this Christmas I can feel that God is going to strengthen me as I take steps to strengthen my faith in myself and have hope in a world that's so gloomy and uncertain.. Well as a start I counted my blessings - I have a supportive and loving family, a job, skills and abilities, a fit and healthy body, friends and a soft heart.. What i lack I'm positive I can work towards it! Amen!

Have a very merry Christmas with your family and loved ones, ppl!

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