My friend Anita recently had an acute back lock. She was sitting in her office chair for nearly two hours and when she got up to reach for something on her desk, she felt this excruciating pain in her back and she couldn't straighten up!
Really no joke yeah. I was really affected to see her wearing a brace. Immediately when I got back after seeing her, I searched the internet for links to this condition and found out more about it :
It seems that strengthening the back will prevent this from happening. So I made a resolution to do my back exercises more faithfully, especially my swimming. It seems that front crawl is great exercise for the back, but breaststroke can aggravate the tailbone if done wrongly and too much. Anyway I had a great swim earlier tonite, 20 wonderful laps, alternating front crawl and breaststroke. I felt really strong and flexible after the swim!! Not to mention, so happy too :) Exercise really releases endorphins. Well one of my new year resolutions (besides loving my 'jumbo' partner even more) is to swim even more often (3 times alternate weeks), do my strength-training exercises faithfully (twice a week) and take my supplements more regularly. I've been taking only 3 caps of Glucosamine and 1 cap of Activite (multi-vite) but from now on, I'd be taking 6 caps of glucosamine and 2 caps of Activite daily!
Monday, December 28, 2009
This song is dedicated to this awesome guy who has always been on my mind every second of each day since I met him 4 years ago. My heart still beats every second for him. It's like God has made me his official guardian angel. I'd give up anything, even my life, for him if I need to. We've been through thick and thin, good and bad, happy and sad, ups and downs...well one thing for sure, it sure ain't boring, haha. For a short while recently, I thought it has gone stale..but no, it was just a time apart that caused me to realise how much I really cherish and love him. I realise no relationship can stay in a blissful state all the time. Everyone grows older, circumstances change and even feelings change. The challenge is to adapt to the changes, not resist them. The past is history, and whether the future will be as wonderful will depend on how much effort you put into making it happen.
I want to build on the strong foundation we have and make it even stronger. I've never loved someone so deeply like this before, and being human, I guess I'd make mistakes but I know one thing - my love for him is unbreakable.
I want to build on the strong foundation we have and make it even stronger. I've never loved someone so deeply like this before, and being human, I guess I'd make mistakes but I know one thing - my love for him is unbreakable.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Prawn Hor Fun

Today I had an eye appt at SNEC and my friend who came to pick me up brought me to this eating place which is near the SNEC. It is actually within the SGH compounds, turn in left just before SNEC(after exiting Outram CTE Exit). In fact it has free parking. It's called Ka-Soh. here's the link : The hor fun with prawn and egg is really delicious. My fren had the fish noodles. Not bad. The place kinda looks like a clubhouse. Maybe the SGH clubhouse, haha. Should have taken a pic of the prawn hor fun but I was so hungry I forgot. Next time when I go for my review in June, I will!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Avatar lessons
Watched Avatar the day it was released..but in 2D, but still awesome for me nonetheless. 2 nights after watching it and I'm still thinking about it! I feel like I've been through an X-ray and exposed to strongly radioactive substances that left its imprint on my whole mind and body. The way the relationship developed between Jake Sully and Neytiri was so beautiful that I had to hold back my tears during the movie. It was only that night when I closed my eyes to sleep that the tears fell like water from a dam on the pillow. I was just so touched by the bond between them. I thought of the scene where they mated for life. Just as the Na'vi believed in their Egwar, I told myself I want to believe that God sees my tears. All I want in this whole life is to find my soulmate. Jake wasn't greedy for the multi-million dollar mineral under the tree. He could have sold out the blue aliens and gotten a small piece of the precious rock to pay for an operation to get his legs working again. Many people on this earth are materialistic and would have done that. They want the best they can get in this one and only life they have. They work like crazy for the day they can be the boss, own a big luxury car and landed property. But Jake found something more precious than the mineral - he found love, loyalty and faith. He would rather give up the riches of the world for this love, loyalty and faith. How many people on earth are like that?
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Soul searching
I've always been a loner as long as I can remember. When I was in Primary school, I was the top pupil and monitress of my class every year (except for pri 4 when i was third in position). I remember I never really felt I could get along with my classmates. The things they talked about, the jokes they shared and the way they behaved just seemed so childish to me. When I was in Primary 5, while children my age was playing catching and starting to tease each other, I was seeking the meaning of life. I started to read the Bible. I remembered when I was 12, I felt very attracted to men who were in their twenties or even thirties. I did not feel anything for the boys of my age, I thought they were like monkeys. Going through a troubled childhood, I developed different personalities. At school I would be someone else, at home another and in my fantasies, I was yet another. I switched between personalities easily. That way I could hide my insecurities and pain.
I never really felt I belonged to this world. Even as a teenager, I did not want the trappings of the world. Material things did not appeal to me. Cos inside me was this molten core of 'lava' bubbling with passion and love - for the ONE person I can connect with in this whole world. Someone I wanted to wrap my soul around and hold on forever. I walked through years and years searching for this one soulmate...stopping a few times cos I thought I found him ..only to be disappointed..cos i realise these people did not have the key to open the door to the core of my being..where this passion is located right in my innermost centre of my soul - where I am most vulnerable. When my soulmate opens the door, I know I'd be liberated finally. My search all these years will be over ... I'd leave everything I have behind for him. Everything. My soul will fly into the skies to be joined with his forever...We will never ever be lonely again. When we're physically apart, we long to be with each other. Nothing can separate us. Even death will not part us for our love will remain beyond death.
This is the hope I'm still living for and that's keeping me alive all these years. Nothing is of any meaning until we've found our soulmate.
I never really felt I belonged to this world. Even as a teenager, I did not want the trappings of the world. Material things did not appeal to me. Cos inside me was this molten core of 'lava' bubbling with passion and love - for the ONE person I can connect with in this whole world. Someone I wanted to wrap my soul around and hold on forever. I walked through years and years searching for this one soulmate...stopping a few times cos I thought I found him ..only to be disappointed..cos i realise these people did not have the key to open the door to the core of my being..where this passion is located right in my innermost centre of my soul - where I am most vulnerable. When my soulmate opens the door, I know I'd be liberated finally. My search all these years will be over ... I'd leave everything I have behind for him. Everything. My soul will fly into the skies to be joined with his forever...We will never ever be lonely again. When we're physically apart, we long to be with each other. Nothing can separate us. Even death will not part us for our love will remain beyond death.
This is the hope I'm still living for and that's keeping me alive all these years. Nothing is of any meaning until we've found our soulmate.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Bitten by the travel bug
Back from Hong Kong yesterday. This is the first trip I took that I actually did not want to come back.. my previous holidays I had someone or something I missed back home dearly but not this time.. There's nothing to look forward to back in Sg except work, hot humid weather and stale relationships that are going downhill. On the journey back in the plane, I did a soul-search. I realised that despite my busy schedule, I was actually lonely. Sure, I have a family, chores, exercise, friends, work, tuition to fill my time ...but they did not fill my heart. What I missed was the constant time and communication spent with someone. What I have now is just infrequent, random dates - like I see this friend once a week and another once in two weeks..Don't get me wrong, i'm thankful for them and the time they spent wif me. It's not their fault they can't see me more often. They have families too, they have their jobs. But I know I'm just not on their priority list. What I need is something deeper. A soulmate. Yes.. I have not found him yet. I don't know if I'd ever meet him but I know he's out there somewhere. Someone I can share my deepest feelings with, someone who's there for me every single day. Someone I can even travel the world with. Someone who can see into my soul and vice versa. Someone who has the time for me daily, not just once a week lunch or dinner dates. Who knows, I may meet him tomorrow. Yeah, that gives me the incentive to exercise and stay happy. Just like the prospect of travelling to other countries in the near future keeps me working hard this holidays too.
I saw this slogan in a doctor's office - We can prescribe medicine for your physical illnesses but the only cure for loneliness, depression and hurt is love.
I saw this slogan in a doctor's office - We can prescribe medicine for your physical illnesses but the only cure for loneliness, depression and hurt is love.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
I was pondering on this when someone asked me - can you love someone without the commitment? I wonder if you can. I think if someone is truly in love, he or she will automatically commit. What does commitment mean? Well it means different things to different people, but basically it means to be there for the person on a regular basis. I think friendships and relationships grow if people set aside a regular time to be together. Like me and Anita, we try to set aside Friday nites. Recently, after my anniversary date with my hubby, I was kinda touched he said ..why don't we have regular saturday dinners together, just two of us? I thought of his statement over and over again and it brought tears to my eyes. Isn't that so sweet? To tell someone that you wanna put aside a certain day of the week regularly for the person. That is what I call commitment. Well there's nothing wrong with making appointments based on impulse or need. It's still far better than making appointments cause you're free! That's really treating the person as a spare tyre! But I think commitment to a day and activity bonds people together. Like buddies who meet up for sports regularly on a certain day of the week. I used to have this kind of arrangement for swimming and I must say I really miss it. It was so nice to look forward to the swimming every Monday. It really beats swimming alone. Now I have this Saturday lunch weekly appointment with an old friend I bumped into last month. Yesterday I broke it and really felt bad about it. I'm definitely making a resolution not to break it unless it is an emergency.
So go think bout the people you really love. Do you have regular fixed days set aside for them? Even if it's just talking on the phone every nite before you go to bed, it really bonds the relationship. I know of this couple who did this before they were married. Every nite they'd call each other to catch up wif the day. That's what every couple should do!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Finally school's OUT! Still got meetings till 2nd Dec but at least no marking, no classes and no school kids for a while. Went to the library just now to borrow some books to read and found 5 interesting titles :
1. Hard boiled wonderland and the end of the world by Haruki Murakami
2. A wild sheep chase by Haruki Murakami
3. Life is Elsewhere by Milan Kundera
4. Lover Enshrined by J.R. Ward
5. After the Quake by Haruki Murakami
Also bought a blouse and a pair of tights from Hypnosis. More comfy than sexy wear. To wear when I'm in the don't-give-a-damn mood.
Got a whole evening to chill out at home, yippee!! No cooking tonite so I can unwind on my day off from sports. But intend to play some Wii later. Must keep active ...Think i'm putting on some weight round my middle :(
Monday, November 16, 2009
Smooth glowing skin
Just thought I'd share my recipe for smooth glowing skin. For the last three months, I've been dry-brushing my skin every morning with a cactus-bristle brush from Body Shop. It's supposed to remove dead skin cells, detoxify and even move the lymphatic system along. Best thing is - really feels good to brush the skin, kind of wake me up..
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Orchard Central

Just came back from dinner at Orchard Central. Been a long long time since I went out wif hub, just the two of us. Well it's our
22nd wedding anniversary! The food was good. Hub's a MEAT eater so we ordered the dinner set for two - Wagyu Beef, pork leg and pork sirloin at $68. Came with some rice and grilled vegetables. The meat was succulent and tender. Not a lot but just nice for two. After a relaxing chat about cars and rich customers, we went for a walk on the rooftop garden. Great view of the night scene around Orchard! Then we listened to a song performance on the ground level. Hub took these pictures of me :) Notice the henna on my hands? Had those done at Little India on Friday!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Ladies Nite Out
Had a great Friday nite out with my ex-college buddy, Anita. Just think of it - a friendship that lasted 27 years! She was there with me every year of my life, through all my milestones. We are so comfortable with each other like a favourite pair of jeans. We have been catching up alot recently during the weekends, either Fri nites or Saturday nites. Staying near each other is certainly a boon as we can just meet ad hoc for a chat and tea at Dome nearby. It's really nice that we are able to end each other's sentences! We like sharing a cheesecake and camomile tea at Dome, just before bedtime as we catch up with each other about the week, sharing bits and pieces of funny, sad or irritating incidents and so on. It's really really such a good feeling to know you have someone out there who cares about you and enjoy your company just as much, especially after so many years, there's no doubt about it. I recall we hit it off like cookies and milk when we first met in 1981 in Hwa Chong. We were mostly together, even though we were not from the same class. She was from the same sec school as one of my classmates then. Even though we were rather different from each other, yet two things we had in common were : we both loved to eat and we both loved to talk about feelings and life..yeah we are both very philosophical. We hardly talk bout fashion or gossip about other people. I find that talking with Anita is very stimulating cos it's like mind-mapping. From one question or statement, we go deeper or we branch out till it's like a whole web. Like tonite, we had planned to go shopping but in the end we talked and talked at Island Cafe till it was nearly 9 plus! Friendships are really like wine - they get better as they mature! Cheers to that!!

Saturday, November 7, 2009
Imagine That..
Caught a movie with my son on Thursday afternoon - "Imagine That" starring Eddie Murphy. Had more or less completed most of my pressing deadlines that had kept me busy during the week so thought why not spend some time wif my darling son? I asked him to choose a movie while I was at a meeting and when I came back to my table at 1.30 pm, he pointed to "Imagine That" on the website and we realised we had only 45 min to catch the movie at 2.20! So we rushed there, bought burgers, hot dogs and drinks as well and sat down next to another 'parent and child' couple! The show was basically about how Eddie Murphy, as a high-flying parent, had no time to spend wif his daughter till he realised that his daughter was communicating with spirits that had valuable insights on his insider trading! So he also entered this fantasy world of princesses, dragons and queens with her, becoming closer to her in the process. Although it was quite cliched, it was enjoyable to see how Eddie Murphy let loose his inhibitions and play with his kid. Makes me reflect on my own parenting role - am I spending enough time with my kids? Hmmm....

Kids are really representations of angels. We adults are so i
mmersed in our rat race that we forget the joys of being with these angel
s. My ex-stu
dent invited me to a birthday party last nite. Even though I was reluctant to go at first as I did not know what time the party starts and how to contact t
his boy, in the end I was convinced by my own conscience. How could I let down a kid on his birthday? How many kids invite their teachers anyway, to their parties, two years in a row too? I should be honoured as I was also invited to his birthday party last year

held at McDonald's. Last but not least, teachers are supposed to portray values such as integrity and trustworthiness. So I bought a pack of sparklers for the kids to play with. It turned out to be a huge B
BQ party attended by the whole extended family of grandparents, aunties
, uncles, cousins and even neighbours. The boy had invited my son as well, so sweet of him. The adults were so impressed that I remembered the names of the boy's classmates, even after

one year. I told them that their names are imprinted on my mind because I had to call them constantly during the lesson to behave themselves or hand in work, haha! Anyway it was nice to see how the kids enjoyed themselves and I also chatted his grandmother up. She's one hell of a cook - her beehoon and curry veg were scrumptious!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
5 WAYS to be LUCKY
5 ways to be lucky
1. be proactive!. the unluckiest people are those who wait for things to happen (it often doesn't).
2. ask questions and listen. The more you know about what is going on the more likely you are to be 'lucky'
3. recognise the difference between 'unlucky' and 'probable' - you aren't unlucky each time you miss a parking space, in fact it would be extraordinary if you didn't every so often
4. reframe failure as an opportunity to learn everyone makes mistakes and successful people usually make more of them
5. share credit for your luck if people think they will gain from your good fortune then they will do more to make it happen
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Going Uphill
Thinking positive sure isn't easy! It's like going uphill! But that's where the peak is, rite? I dun wanna sink into depressive thoughts. I don't wanna compare myself with others and feel second-grade. What I wanna feel is hope, faith, love and trust. I'm hoping to be a more effective and understanding teacher. I'm hoping to be a more caring mother. I have faith in myself cos I have abilities that will help me work towards my goals. I want to love deeply and be grateful for every second that people spend with me. I want to trust people when they say they like me.
I had a wonderful break today. This is one of the good things about being a teacher! Went for a hair trim and feel lighter already. Hair is still long, cos my hairdresser said my hair is too silky and soft to waste in a short hair cut. So I'm growing it out and enjoying the feel of longer hair! It feels so nice to touch and play with. I like to twirl it, wear it in a bun, let it fall around my shoulders and feel it brush against my neck and shoulders. I really LOVE long hair!
About Ris Low.. i think Singaporeans have been too harsh towards her. I like her guts and her sweet looks. She has the grace, height and slim figure as well. Despite her past conviction and mental illness, she still took on the challenge of entering this beauty contest. She definitely wanted to put the past behind her and reach for a new life, but too bad she had to be disqualified cos of something she did in the PAST. I really don't think she should be penalised for something that happened in the past, but at least I feel she had the guts to join the contest even despite knowing she might be penalised for it. She really is a brave gal and I think she will move on to overcome this setback and achieve even more remarkable things. My heart goes out to her because I know having a mental issue is a sign that she has been through hard times when she was young. I hope she will stay strong and resilient and more than that, I hope she will meet people who have the heart to help her to be beautiful on the inside as well. When I saw her video, I could sense both vulnerability as well as strength and resilience in this young woman. Some say she was not beautiful enough to win the title. Well I think the judges saw something else besides physical beauty (not that she's ugly actually). Perhaps its the way she carries herself, or something radiating from within her? Well I wish her all the best. She definitely deserves it.
Sometimes beauty isn't about outer looks. It's also not about righteousness. It's about triumph over weakness, courage in the face of fear, success after repeated failures ...and most of all, about forgiveness and hope. People are too quick to judge someone based on their actions but have they looked into the heart? Some of these people may have committed what is labelled as crimes such as fraud or even prostitution, but they may have done so because of circumstances or forces beyond their control. Just because a woman has not stolen, cheated, lied or is a virgin till marriage, does not make her beautiful. It is overcoming the weaknesses in us and through that, learning to be compassionate that makes a woman beautiful. How can we understand shame, hopelessness, failure and fear if we have not experienced them? To me a beautiful woman is one who is gracious and hopeful and holds her head up high despite setbacks and difficulties.
I'm going to sleep now. I've been loved today, but what makes me even happier is that I've learnt to love deeper than before. I've learnt to let go of jealousy and be happy for the person I love, even when he loves someone else..
I had a wonderful break today. This is one of the good things about being a teacher! Went for a hair trim and feel lighter already. Hair is still long, cos my hairdresser said my hair is too silky and soft to waste in a short hair cut. So I'm growing it out and enjoying the feel of longer hair! It feels so nice to touch and play with. I like to twirl it, wear it in a bun, let it fall around my shoulders and feel it brush against my neck and shoulders. I really LOVE long hair!
About Ris Low.. i think Singaporeans have been too harsh towards her. I like her guts and her sweet looks. She has the grace, height and slim figure as well. Despite her past conviction and mental illness, she still took on the challenge of entering this beauty contest. She definitely wanted to put the past behind her and reach for a new life, but too bad she had to be disqualified cos of something she did in the PAST. I really don't think she should be penalised for something that happened in the past, but at least I feel she had the guts to join the contest even despite knowing she might be penalised for it. She really is a brave gal and I think she will move on to overcome this setback and achieve even more remarkable things. My heart goes out to her because I know having a mental issue is a sign that she has been through hard times when she was young. I hope she will stay strong and resilient and more than that, I hope she will meet people who have the heart to help her to be beautiful on the inside as well. When I saw her video, I could sense both vulnerability as well as strength and resilience in this young woman. Some say she was not beautiful enough to win the title. Well I think the judges saw something else besides physical beauty (not that she's ugly actually). Perhaps its the way she carries herself, or something radiating from within her? Well I wish her all the best. She definitely deserves it.
Sometimes beauty isn't about outer looks. It's also not about righteousness. It's about triumph over weakness, courage in the face of fear, success after repeated failures ...and most of all, about forgiveness and hope. People are too quick to judge someone based on their actions but have they looked into the heart? Some of these people may have committed what is labelled as crimes such as fraud or even prostitution, but they may have done so because of circumstances or forces beyond their control. Just because a woman has not stolen, cheated, lied or is a virgin till marriage, does not make her beautiful. It is overcoming the weaknesses in us and through that, learning to be compassionate that makes a woman beautiful. How can we understand shame, hopelessness, failure and fear if we have not experienced them? To me a beautiful woman is one who is gracious and hopeful and holds her head up high despite setbacks and difficulties.
I'm going to sleep now. I've been loved today, but what makes me even happier is that I've learnt to love deeper than before. I've learnt to let go of jealousy and be happy for the person I love, even when he loves someone else..
Friday, September 18, 2009
What Women Need...
I wonder why men often forget that women aren't wired the same way as them. After a night of sex or a "sex-escapade", men go into 'standby' mode. By that I mean they switch off not just the physical part, but also the emotional part. I understand that they need to get back to their work and other stuff, but why is it that they don't maintain the emotional intimacy? After a few days or a week, when they start longing for physical intimacy again, they start getting lovey-dovey, talking endlessly about sex. Well as a woman, I know I need to feel not just physically needed, but emotionally as's not the sexy talk that turns us on, but the loving words of concern, the caring messages, the errands and the company even just to get some groceries or a swim ...
Anyway I know I definitely will hate being treated as a booty call, sex-pet or fuck buddy, as they call it. The way I'd handle it is not by whining or complaining though. Once I start noticing that I'm just being treated as such, I simply switch off my emotions as well and stop picking up the calls. No point hanging around trying to grow flowers in a desert. I'd rather find fertile ground!
Talking about needs, I've been swimming much more this week. 30 laps each time and it really feels good. I bought this red 2-piece from Speedo, a tankini I think. But it's really comfortable compared to my 2-piece bikini from Sunseeker. Check it out below. The reasons why I was inspired to swim more are simply my expanding waistline and my vanity! I noticed this petite slim lady swimming non-stop at Bishan on Monday. Was supposed to swim with someone who pulled out last minute..turned out to be a blessing cos I went to Bishan, got inspired and now my swimming workouts will be 30 laps and no less!! Feel slimmer already, hehe.. That's what I NEED too - to feel fit, slim and sexy :)

Listening to Phil Collins "Groovy Kind of Love'. Bought his CD from Sembawang Music Shop at Thomson Plaza a few weeks ago. I kinda like his voice. Reminds me of a fren I knew long ago, voice a bit nasal but still soothing.
Once a woman has got the right attitude about herself, she doesn't have to worry about not getting what she needs, whether it's love, sex or respect!
Anyway I know I definitely will hate being treated as a booty call, sex-pet or fuck buddy, as they call it. The way I'd handle it is not by whining or complaining though. Once I start noticing that I'm just being treated as such, I simply switch off my emotions as well and stop picking up the calls. No point hanging around trying to grow flowers in a desert. I'd rather find fertile ground!
Talking about needs, I've been swimming much more this week. 30 laps each time and it really feels good. I bought this red 2-piece from Speedo, a tankini I think. But it's really comfortable compared to my 2-piece bikini from Sunseeker. Check it out below. The reasons why I was inspired to swim more are simply my expanding waistline and my vanity! I noticed this petite slim lady swimming non-stop at Bishan on Monday. Was supposed to swim with someone who pulled out last minute..turned out to be a blessing cos I went to Bishan, got inspired and now my swimming workouts will be 30 laps and no less!! Feel slimmer already, hehe.. That's what I NEED too - to feel fit, slim and sexy :)

Listening to Phil Collins "Groovy Kind of Love'. Bought his CD from Sembawang Music Shop at Thomson Plaza a few weeks ago. I kinda like his voice. Reminds me of a fren I knew long ago, voice a bit nasal but still soothing.
Once a woman has got the right attitude about herself, she doesn't have to worry about not getting what she needs, whether it's love, sex or respect!
Monday, August 10, 2009
You Know You're In Love When..
you miss the person even more after spending almost the whole day with them..
you still feel the butterflies every time you are going to meet, even after four years..
you can't eat very much when you're with him ..cos he makes you hungry for something else...
you still feel the butterflies every time you are going to meet, even after four years..
you can't eat very much when you're with him ..cos he makes you hungry for something else...
Monday, July 13, 2009
Emotional Hunger
Here I am, hunger gnawing at my insides while i try to tire myself out so I can fall asleep.. somehow through a miscommunication, I ended up without dinner.. But there's a greater hunger that's eating me inside.. the hunger for release from all this drudgery..i'm getting tired of living this endless cycle of work, chores, sports without anyone to share it with. By anyone I mean - a soulmate....I've decided that I'd stop this diet of 'crumbs and snacks'... yeah i'd crave for them but I must go cold turkey till the addiction is gone..till I don't think of it anymore.. and my heart is free to embrace a wholesome diet. It will be hard but I'd rather shiver in loneliness than drag myself through such pain and heartache.. I've become like a hollow tree.. the hunger for love eating away my insides..Just less than 3 months more, and hopefully by then I'd be ready to bloom again.
Crumbs and Whole Meals
Somehow we make excuses for people we love and when they give us so little of their time, we just accept it out of love...but ultimately the relationship gets strained cos our needs are not met and we feel taken advantage or even taken for granted..esp when the friend or loved one is only nice to you to get something they want... Well if i really love someone, I want to spend time with the person - even if its doing nothing. Just talk and be in the company of that person..that is why it is called love. You love the person. But if a person claims to love me and yet only sees me when help or something is needed, then how is that love? How can one hour out of a whole week be enough to qualify as QUALITY time and loving time?? Even two hours is rather short ...
Well I want whole meals, not crumbs. I want long walks, long talks, dinner+movie+supper, a day at the beach, a whole nite out...
Well I want whole meals, not crumbs. I want long walks, long talks, dinner+movie+supper, a day at the beach, a whole nite out...
Sunday, June 21, 2009
My favourite fairy tale is Cinderella. Often i feel like her. As I'm elbow deep in dishwashing lather, i'd dream of my Prince Charming who'd come to sweep me off my feet and bring me away from all of this drudgery. Last week in church, I broke down and wept despite the fact tat i did NOT want to and din really focus on the message my pastor's wife was preaching. It was something in her voice - the way she spoke that just peeled away the layers of masks from my heart and the dam within me broke. I cried out to God - You know how lonely i am! Here i am - just a small small part of someone's life and yet this person is all i have emotionally.. Isn't that awful, God? I am like a dog who just have to accept the crumbs of time from this person now. I'm trying to let go but if I come back to You, God, I'd end up with NOTHING. Just like Cinderella with her stepmother n stepsisters.. Can I pray to You to bring me to someone who'd love me and cherish me? But how can You as a Holy God grant that kind of wish?? Sigh.."
I fell asleep last nite thinking of that cute guy tat said hello to me at the gym.. somehow he's like Prince charming.I fantasized about us meeting often at the gym to work out together.. But no Cinderella and I'm sure he was just being friendly.. haizzzz.. Well harm daydreaming rite.. in fact this reminds me of a song by James Blunt.. You're Beautiful but I can't be with you.. Posting the Kenny G version of it here. It's lovely...
I fell asleep last nite thinking of that cute guy tat said hello to me at the gym.. somehow he's like Prince charming.I fantasized about us meeting often at the gym to work out together.. But no Cinderella and I'm sure he was just being friendly.. haizzzz.. Well harm daydreaming rite.. in fact this reminds me of a song by James Blunt.. You're Beautiful but I can't be with you.. Posting the Kenny G version of it here. It's lovely...
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Rewind and Restart
Whenever I'm going thru a difficult phase or problem and it's getting me down in terms of spirit and morale, I tell myself to simply do this - rewind my life back to the point BEFORE the problem started. What was I like then? Happier definitely.. and I focus on that state of mind that I used to be in. Rewind my life back to before I knew this person.. I was full of zest for life - busy with my family, work and sports but in my heart i was searching for that something to fulfil me emotionally.. Well I did meet someone but after nearly 4 years, the relationship seems to be floundering..It's difficult to go through this phase when you dunno if it's on or off. You miss the old times but there's no hope of things being as nice as before. Isn't it true that when you're in love, you'd do anything to be with the person? I remember after the times I spent together with him, I had to do my chores, my school work and my studies and sometimes I slept at 4 am and had to wake up at 5.30 am to go to school. That's why they say love is the most powerful thing in the world. It gives you the energy to do anything and you're willing to make sacrifices. Well back to the present. Well that's what keeps a relationship alive - the times spent together, the shared laughter and fun. But when one party says that the relationship is now the lowest priority in their lives, and spending time together is so scarce because of that, then how can the relationship survive? I dunno..right now i'm peeling the petals off my blue rose - on, off, on, off, on, off.. i dunno.. maybe it's better for it to be off and I start all over again with someone that has time for me? But the problem finding someone that really clicks with you and that is sooo finding a needle in a haystack.
Well so my blue rose is dying. Even if it dies, the roots are still there. That's what I remind myself. I'm a vibrant and giving person. I've so much to live and give. That was what made the relationship work in the beginning. So I rewind my life to that point and start from there again. Last night I went to the gym at Hougang stadium. First time there. I told myself - I must start afresh again and go to new places. Anyway the Bishan gym is closed for the moment due to the YOG. Wow this gym seems full of exercise-minded ppl!! There are even queues for the cardio machines!! I went to the free-weights area to work out. Crowded, very crowded. But I was determined to do a good workout. So i went to a corner, picked up a pair of dumb-bells and started working out. The people there were really serious man! I tried not to look at anyone so that I can focus on my workout. But even then I did notice that the guys here are quite hunky. Some of them look like pros! Anyway I managed to get a bench much later on and did my bench workout, oblivious to watever the guys thought or felt bout a lady working out amidst them. Well I've every rite to work out my body too, even as a lady, i have muscles that need toning! haha, of coz i was only working with 1 or 2 kg weights compared to their massive ones. Then after a good session there, I proceeded to do my abs. Always do yr abs at the end of a workout, by the way, hehe..just a tip. Went to the toilet, freshened up my face and then picked up my stuff and left the place, feeling really good again. Then on my way to the carpark, I heard someone calling me.."excuse me!" I turned around and there was this dream hunk of a guy walking towards me. I did notice him in the gym earlier - a passing glance cos he looked like a Manhunt model. He smiled and walked towards me. I thought I had left something in the gym but when he caught up with me, he extended his hand and said "Hi, I noticed you in the gym earlier. I'm Gabriel" After I intro myself, he said "Wow you're still very fit..I never noticed u here before." I explained to him that I came here cos of my kids' tuition nearby. He said "oh you're married? Wow, your kids must be good looking too, just like the mummy!" I must have blushed from head to toe. Then he asked me where I was heading. I pointed to my car and he said "oh mine's over there", pointing to a flashy red sports car. "Ok see you around then," he said, and then he walked to his car. Just imagine, I came to the gym on a low note and certainly did NOT expect this at all! I felt like Cinderella who has met her Prince Charming, hahaha!!
Gotta go now, get ready for my frens who are coming to bake banana cake. I'm also learning how to cook korean noodles from my fren. Gosh it's going to be fun fun fun! Post pictures later..
Well so my blue rose is dying. Even if it dies, the roots are still there. That's what I remind myself. I'm a vibrant and giving person. I've so much to live and give. That was what made the relationship work in the beginning. So I rewind my life to that point and start from there again. Last night I went to the gym at Hougang stadium. First time there. I told myself - I must start afresh again and go to new places. Anyway the Bishan gym is closed for the moment due to the YOG. Wow this gym seems full of exercise-minded ppl!! There are even queues for the cardio machines!! I went to the free-weights area to work out. Crowded, very crowded. But I was determined to do a good workout. So i went to a corner, picked up a pair of dumb-bells and started working out. The people there were really serious man! I tried not to look at anyone so that I can focus on my workout. But even then I did notice that the guys here are quite hunky. Some of them look like pros! Anyway I managed to get a bench much later on and did my bench workout, oblivious to watever the guys thought or felt bout a lady working out amidst them. Well I've every rite to work out my body too, even as a lady, i have muscles that need toning! haha, of coz i was only working with 1 or 2 kg weights compared to their massive ones. Then after a good session there, I proceeded to do my abs. Always do yr abs at the end of a workout, by the way, hehe..just a tip. Went to the toilet, freshened up my face and then picked up my stuff and left the place, feeling really good again. Then on my way to the carpark, I heard someone calling me.."excuse me!" I turned around and there was this dream hunk of a guy walking towards me. I did notice him in the gym earlier - a passing glance cos he looked like a Manhunt model. He smiled and walked towards me. I thought I had left something in the gym but when he caught up with me, he extended his hand and said "Hi, I noticed you in the gym earlier. I'm Gabriel" After I intro myself, he said "Wow you're still very fit..I never noticed u here before." I explained to him that I came here cos of my kids' tuition nearby. He said "oh you're married? Wow, your kids must be good looking too, just like the mummy!" I must have blushed from head to toe. Then he asked me where I was heading. I pointed to my car and he said "oh mine's over there", pointing to a flashy red sports car. "Ok see you around then," he said, and then he walked to his car. Just imagine, I came to the gym on a low note and certainly did NOT expect this at all! I felt like Cinderella who has met her Prince Charming, hahaha!!
Gotta go now, get ready for my frens who are coming to bake banana cake. I'm also learning how to cook korean noodles from my fren. Gosh it's going to be fun fun fun! Post pictures later..
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Mind, Body and Spirit
I feel good today. Woke up with a renewed zest for life. I told myself that I've so much to live for. As much as I miss my buddies who can't spend time with me anymore, nothing is gonna hold me back. I want to FIRST love and accept myself as I am. Stop comparing with other women. Hey I'm a 100% woman in my own right, for goodness sake, not any less than any other woman. I like my soft baby hair, the way it curls around my shoulders. I like my eyes - the way it sparkles when I'm happy. I'm told often that I have beautiful eyes and I can see that. I love the soft curves of my body too - a nice combination of muscle and flesh :) Oh i love how I look in low-cut dresses too - I really appreciate the size of my boobs now - not so big that they'd sag but not so small that they can't create a cleavage :) I feel totally woman today!
During my usual Saturday tuition class, I relaxed and had so much fun with my darling primary one kids. I love to tease them and play pretend games with them. I love their smiles and innocence. I love how excited they are when they are going to get biscuit/sweet treats and I love how they put effort into doing work for me. How i wish I can kiss their cherubic cheeks and hug them so tight. But i can only do that in my heart.. Oh yes i spoil them with biscuits and sweets but that's only because they are sooo lovable. I think they are truly angels in human disguise.
The four hours flew by fast and I left them munching happily on their treats. I bought economic rice with fish and vegetables from this coffee shop in front of NTUC at Bishan St 12. Lovely food or maybe i was hungry? Then after some chatting and attempt to play a Sudoku game, it was already nearly 4 pm! I rushed off to the gym and had a good intense workout - 40 mins of arms/chest on the machines and 20 mins of cardio on the elliptical. Then came back to do a Pilates-inspired back workout with my resistance band,followed by a short but also intense tummy workout on the exercise ball. What a Saturday! Had a post workout meal of milk, blueberry muffin and some cherry tomatoes ..
Going to shower now and head for the supermarket so I can get some ingredients for dinner. GOing to cook spaghetti bolognaise with button mushrooms.
During my usual Saturday tuition class, I relaxed and had so much fun with my darling primary one kids. I love to tease them and play pretend games with them. I love their smiles and innocence. I love how excited they are when they are going to get biscuit/sweet treats and I love how they put effort into doing work for me. How i wish I can kiss their cherubic cheeks and hug them so tight. But i can only do that in my heart.. Oh yes i spoil them with biscuits and sweets but that's only because they are sooo lovable. I think they are truly angels in human disguise.
The four hours flew by fast and I left them munching happily on their treats. I bought economic rice with fish and vegetables from this coffee shop in front of NTUC at Bishan St 12. Lovely food or maybe i was hungry? Then after some chatting and attempt to play a Sudoku game, it was already nearly 4 pm! I rushed off to the gym and had a good intense workout - 40 mins of arms/chest on the machines and 20 mins of cardio on the elliptical. Then came back to do a Pilates-inspired back workout with my resistance band,followed by a short but also intense tummy workout on the exercise ball. What a Saturday! Had a post workout meal of milk, blueberry muffin and some cherry tomatoes ..
Going to shower now and head for the supermarket so I can get some ingredients for dinner. GOing to cook spaghetti bolognaise with button mushrooms.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
What's New
Growing my hair long...let's see how it looks in a month! So far so good..
Changing the way I work out at gym- i'm using the carry-along principle...which means each workout i target a body part eg biceps and then do the rest less intensively..
Swimming in the total immersion style - thanks to Ben
Trying out new recipes..
and oh yes, i'm now available to pair up with anyone interested in exercise cos my former partner can't join me now i'm 'advertising' for a new one. i guess this is better than working out alone right? So anyone free to join me swimming, running, gyming or cycling? Free motivation! Er..sorry only women can apply :P
Changing the way I work out at gym- i'm using the carry-along principle...which means each workout i target a body part eg biceps and then do the rest less intensively..
Swimming in the total immersion style - thanks to Ben
Trying out new recipes..
and oh yes, i'm now available to pair up with anyone interested in exercise cos my former partner can't join me now i'm 'advertising' for a new one. i guess this is better than working out alone right? So anyone free to join me swimming, running, gyming or cycling? Free motivation! Er..sorry only women can apply :P
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Death and Birth
The death of a loved one can be really painful..but at least that person died loving you. The love did not die..only the person ..what's more painful is the death of see a love die when the person is still alive..
Today my blue rose seems to have has been wilting for some time, petal after petal dropping off... I went to my swim mourning for i swam each lap, my tears mingled with the sparkling pool water..reminding me of the times when I swam and cried as a troubled teen. So i've come full circle..The pool will always be my comfort cos it seems to draw away my tears and surround me with its caressing waves. Well when i got up from the pool this time, I left the dead rose petals behind in the water.. they will turn into fertiliser for someone's rose birth to a new rose plant, I hope...
I don't know when a new rose bud will appear...after the grief is fully worn off i guess.. but im sure it will eventually. With the death of each blue rose, i tell myself that I'd learn to love the next one even more tenderly. Yes I'd cherish and love even more deeply when love grows again...
Today my blue rose seems to have has been wilting for some time, petal after petal dropping off... I went to my swim mourning for i swam each lap, my tears mingled with the sparkling pool water..reminding me of the times when I swam and cried as a troubled teen. So i've come full circle..The pool will always be my comfort cos it seems to draw away my tears and surround me with its caressing waves. Well when i got up from the pool this time, I left the dead rose petals behind in the water.. they will turn into fertiliser for someone's rose birth to a new rose plant, I hope...
I don't know when a new rose bud will appear...after the grief is fully worn off i guess.. but im sure it will eventually. With the death of each blue rose, i tell myself that I'd learn to love the next one even more tenderly. Yes I'd cherish and love even more deeply when love grows again...
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Back into the Grooove
Well to update on my last posts - YESH i did end up having a good Friday evening as well as Saturday! Friday i had dinner (prata,bihun goreng and thosai) with a friend and my friend really listened to whatever I had to share bout my work. For the first time I realised my work isn't so bad after all..Went back feeling really good and decided to set new goals for my work. Now I know why people seek out friends who really listen and care cos it not only makes them feel loved but also, as they talk about their work, they see it in a different light. Then as for Saturday, after a hard workout at Bishan Gym, which surprisingly wasn't crowded. Later i had ice cream at this place in Clementi - The Daily Scoop. I chose Surprisingly Coconut. It was nice and creamy, with bits of coconut inside. Wow, perfect ending to a nice evening. I guess it's the combination of shared sports interests combined with my need to have a good long nite out with friends that made the weekend so special :)
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Imagine...your hubby doesn't have time for you so you find a buddy and then the buddy doesn't have time for you either!! Hahaha..wat a joke right? Sigh.. I think something is very wrong with me. I really seriously need to reformat my whole being, my whole approach to life!!
Ain't gonna go back to the Republic Gym anymore. Too many painful memories of shared times there with my ex-exercise buddy. Besides it's too quiet. Been going there for a month plus. I need to change my routine, everything. Yes, turn everything inside out. Im going to work out at the gym nearby ..Nah, i aint gonna allow myself to get depressed. If your friends can't spend time with you, simple - just find people who want to! That's what i call PURE logic. No need to get emotional here at all. Maybe finding a new gym where I can find a new exercise buddy will help? A new gym where there are LOTS of ppl!
Ain't gonna go back to the Republic Gym anymore. Too many painful memories of shared times there with my ex-exercise buddy. Besides it's too quiet. Been going there for a month plus. I need to change my routine, everything. Yes, turn everything inside out. Im going to work out at the gym nearby ..Nah, i aint gonna allow myself to get depressed. If your friends can't spend time with you, simple - just find people who want to! That's what i call PURE logic. No need to get emotional here at all. Maybe finding a new gym where I can find a new exercise buddy will help? A new gym where there are LOTS of ppl!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Swimming against the current
Swim wasn't very good today. Somehow my body still feels tired, either from the intensive yoga i did on Monday or from my period which came yesterday.. Anyway i just learnt a lesson today - that pride comes before a fall... Just after texting an ex-colleague about how well i was doing in this new school, I received a call from an HOD that i had neglected to take action immediately on a case that happened today in class and because of that, the parent had come to the office to complain.. geesh, it was humbling. I admitted my fault and told myself to be less complacent!
As though tat wasn't bad enuf, after my less-than-blissful swim, I came bk and found out that my son Mark had broken out into rashes after three days of fever.. Sigh i had to also go out to get dinner for my hub cos the kids had already eaten pizza and i had not ordered any extra for him nor myself since he mentioned he was tired of european food after a week in Germany. So after buying the food from the nearby coffee shop, I came back and told him that he would need to bring Mark to the doctor tomorrow morning. Guess what his reaction was? "I hate to wait at doctors!" So I told Mark "well you have to endure the rashes through the morning and wait for me to come back from school in the afternoon then. " He just kept quiet and went to take his bath. After that he quickly switched on his TV and got down to eat the food i bought. Not even a word of thanks either. I wish at that moment he never came back from Germany. I actually had a better time when he was away cos i had one less person to take care of. Can you believe that I actually dreaded his return yesterday? Well i tried not to show it. I even sacrificed my exercise, accompanied him out to dinner yesterday cos he missed spicy food. But what's the point of wishing all that? Only Cinderella escaped her hard life cos she had a fairy god mother. I can only dream of meeting my prince charming in my dreams haha..
Ok now to change perspective. Well i can meet all my own needs.. There are millions of other nicer people who are just waiting to become my friends :) I am looking forward to my pilates tomorrow. I am also looking forward to having a nice nite out on friday nite! Listen, WORLD, I am free on Friday nite, hehe!
As though tat wasn't bad enuf, after my less-than-blissful swim, I came bk and found out that my son Mark had broken out into rashes after three days of fever.. Sigh i had to also go out to get dinner for my hub cos the kids had already eaten pizza and i had not ordered any extra for him nor myself since he mentioned he was tired of european food after a week in Germany. So after buying the food from the nearby coffee shop, I came back and told him that he would need to bring Mark to the doctor tomorrow morning. Guess what his reaction was? "I hate to wait at doctors!" So I told Mark "well you have to endure the rashes through the morning and wait for me to come back from school in the afternoon then. " He just kept quiet and went to take his bath. After that he quickly switched on his TV and got down to eat the food i bought. Not even a word of thanks either. I wish at that moment he never came back from Germany. I actually had a better time when he was away cos i had one less person to take care of. Can you believe that I actually dreaded his return yesterday? Well i tried not to show it. I even sacrificed my exercise, accompanied him out to dinner yesterday cos he missed spicy food. But what's the point of wishing all that? Only Cinderella escaped her hard life cos she had a fairy god mother. I can only dream of meeting my prince charming in my dreams haha..
Ok now to change perspective. Well i can meet all my own needs.. There are millions of other nicer people who are just waiting to become my friends :) I am looking forward to my pilates tomorrow. I am also looking forward to having a nice nite out on friday nite! Listen, WORLD, I am free on Friday nite, hehe!
I read in a magazine recently that if you have a craving for food, just walk it off..but what about a craving for ..good passionate mind-blowing steamy sex? That's not so easily walked off.. I think i'd start with satisfying my craving for a good nice date. Haven't had one for a long time. Movie, dinner and walk along beach is my idea of a nice date! I wanna chiong this Friday, dun care! Any one wanna watch Angels and Demons on Friday nite?
Monday, May 25, 2009
Keeping love alive..
I remember years ago an episode from a japanese TV airplane crew had come to rescue some ppl who were hurt in a holiday resort. A lady was lying on a stretcher, crying hysterically and though the crew needed to leave as soon as possible to bring the injured, especially her, to a hospital, she did not want to go cos her beloved hubby had drowned in the sea and she did not want to live either. Then one of the airline crew held her firmly by the shoulders and said almost fiercely to her, "Your hubby has died and won't come back to life. If you choose to die as well, whatever love you both have for each other will also die together with you. I was like you once upon a time, my loved one left me and i wanted to die too but then i told myself if i died, then the love we shared will also die. No, i must keep the love alive in my heart.. and so must you.. Your husband will live on in your heart .." I remember crying buckets of tears then and even now whenever i think of tat scene, i'd cry again. It's so true..sometimes when we can't see a person anymore for whatever reason, we are so heartbroken that we want to die. Its so hard to miss someone you love so much but then the love will never die if we still love the person even though we never be with them again.
Actually we can never guarantee that the person we love right now will stay with us forever...but if the love is true and strong, we can still love the person even after they are gone or left us...and the love will keep us alive too :)
Recently i am not able to see someone i really is so torturing.. i did not know how i was ever gonna live thru the day sometimes.. but then i remembered this show and i told myself - no, i must live bravely and happily cos of the love..if the love is really so strong, then it must make me strong too! So even when the heart yearns so much for him, I tell myself that what's more important is that he is safe and doing what is important to him, and my love for him just feels so strong that I know I will wait for him even if its forever...
Actually we can never guarantee that the person we love right now will stay with us forever...but if the love is true and strong, we can still love the person even after they are gone or left us...and the love will keep us alive too :)
Recently i am not able to see someone i really is so torturing.. i did not know how i was ever gonna live thru the day sometimes.. but then i remembered this show and i told myself - no, i must live bravely and happily cos of the love..if the love is really so strong, then it must make me strong too! So even when the heart yearns so much for him, I tell myself that what's more important is that he is safe and doing what is important to him, and my love for him just feels so strong that I know I will wait for him even if its forever...
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Haven't been rambling for a while, hehe..been pretty busy wif work as it was the exams last week. Had my birthday two weeks ago on 8th May and it was such a memorable birthday as it came just before a long weekend (11th May was school holiday in lieu of Vesak Day) School was in a TGIF mood and I was looking forward to the bell at 1 pm so I can zip off to my usual Japanese lunch date with my son at Tamako Restaurant at Upper Thomson. They have this set lunch on Fridays - Sabe set and we always order the teriyaki salmon. It's absolutely delicious and cheap at $8.90, complete with Edamame, Miso soup, a small serving of chicken stew, fruit and tea. After lunch, I had time for a bath before meeting an old fren for ice cream at Icekimo (near Thomson V). I love their super durian waffle and Baileys ice cream! Got this fren hooked to the ice cream and so we meet there regularly at least once a fortnight to catch up as well.. My dear buddy Rosiah was able to join me for shopping spree at Orchard. I went to pick her up from Woodlands and had the opportunity to drop by my ex-school. Could still feel the evil presence of the Witches but at least i had my dear fren's positive karma to ward off the evil, hehe. Everyone looked positively oppressed and overworked, poor things.. no life in their eyes and no spring in their step ...well at least they still said I was looking great. Wonder if I'd look like this if I still worked there? The dejavu of cramped and crowded cubicles, busy shuffling of tired feet and the stale smell of piles of unmarked books and worksheets ... I told myself I had to leave soon or else I'd have more recurring nightmares of coming back to work there!! THANK GOD for the move to this present school I'm at now. Enjoying an extra free period cos my PE class has gone for Napfa test. Hope my cute darlings do well...
So i'm well into 45 now.. feeling the age slightly as I look at my blossoming middle.. sigh, why do all the extra food go there?? My craving for french fries isn't helping. I must start craving for more exercise. Was supposed to swim last nite but gave it up to send my dear hubby to the airport for his GErmany trip, seeing how flustered he was. We managed to reach early and had time to shop and drink juice. My son and I stopped by SK jewellery after sending him off, attracted by the sparkling diamonds and the slick salesman talked me into buying a pair of real diamond earring studs for my daughter's coming birthday@ $99 only... will post a picture of it soon.. Talking bout diamonds, yeah i actually got a diamond ring for my birthday from my beloved!! Yeah, still in denial and shock over it actually. Some days I open my drawer to check if I'm are forever and wearing a real diamond from someone who loves you is the best feeling in the world!! But honestly I'd rather have more of the person's love and time than his jewellery and gifts...
So i'm well into 45 now.. feeling the age slightly as I look at my blossoming middle.. sigh, why do all the extra food go there?? My craving for french fries isn't helping. I must start craving for more exercise. Was supposed to swim last nite but gave it up to send my dear hubby to the airport for his GErmany trip, seeing how flustered he was. We managed to reach early and had time to shop and drink juice. My son and I stopped by SK jewellery after sending him off, attracted by the sparkling diamonds and the slick salesman talked me into buying a pair of real diamond earring studs for my daughter's coming birthday@ $99 only... will post a picture of it soon.. Talking bout diamonds, yeah i actually got a diamond ring for my birthday from my beloved!! Yeah, still in denial and shock over it actually. Some days I open my drawer to check if I'm are forever and wearing a real diamond from someone who loves you is the best feeling in the world!! But honestly I'd rather have more of the person's love and time than his jewellery and gifts...
Saturday, May 9, 2009
The Mermaid Chair by Sue Monk Kid
Is it a coincidence that an author with a 'monk' in her name should write about a love affair with a monk? Well..this is one great book that I found it hard to put down. Written so soulfully,
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Shawn Hlookoff
Just discovered this gem ...listen to him ..i think he's great :)
Love is Patience
Without You
Wonderful Surprise
Love is Patience
Without You
Wonderful Surprise
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
International Friendship Day
My school celebrated International Friendship Day by putting up booths of the Asean countries, showcasing some aspects of their culture and geography. Here are some pictures of the booth my class set up. Most of the stuff are contributed by the kids :) Aren't they lovely? Love them to bits!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Swims, Cycling and Vonda Shepard
Had my third physio yesterday. like a toddler learning to walk, it just happens suddenly and I realise I'm walking quite well..I really like the people at Hallmark Physiotherapy. In fact I like them A LOT!! I'm now kinda sad i'm healing too cos i won't see them once i'm totally healed :( Mr Ravi is sooo comforting and understanding. I'm very sensitive to pain and he makes sure to assure me and make me comfortable. His assistants are just as wonderful - Mr Arun covered my lower body with a towel cos i was wearing a tennis skirt even though I did not request for it. So sweet of him, isn't it? Then his other assistant, Sunny, a charming young fella, taught me stretches and gave me advice on my exercise routine with such patience and warmth that I did not realise I spent nearly 30 mins with him! In fact I feel they are like angels, haha.. I was given the go ahead to swim and cycle on alternate days! WHoooopeee!! You can't imagine how happy that made me feel. Even though i've so much to catch up in my work, I made time to swim today.. was yawning away like crazy even as I left for my swim but emerged from the pool refreshed and recharged, and smiling :) Even though it's now three hours later, I'm still feeling alert and good! I'm already looking forward to my next swim on Thursday,hehe..
I don't know why but recently i'm just so into Vonda Shepard's songs. The singer on Ally Mcbeal remember? Here are two songs dedicated to that special someone in my life .. you know who you are! Miss you lots! Muacks!
I don't know why but recently i'm just so into Vonda Shepard's songs. The singer on Ally Mcbeal remember? Here are two songs dedicated to that special someone in my life .. you know who you are! Miss you lots! Muacks!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day
I'm feeling so good today ..woke up feeling good after my swim yesterday with a fren.. had dinner at Upp Thomson Rd - an indian stall next to the Five Star Chicken Rice. Shared thosai masala and bee hoon goreng...scrumptious but i think the thosai at Chutney Mary (Siglap) is still better Nice relaxed dinner, good company 2.. the waiter who served us was soo polite and friendly that i nearly wanted to give him a hug!
Back to today ..had a nice lunch of grilled fish with mashed potato and corn from Crazy Ang Mo at Bishan St 23.. then went to Yishun CLubfitt gym to cycle for about 26 minutes..and finished off with ab-blasting and back exercises. It's funny but today i feel exceptionally poised and happy somehow. The gym was pretty empty ..guess the guys r busy romancing their gals ..As i exercised I thought of all the loving msgs I received today ...but i realise most important of all, is to love myself and know that I'm lovable too as I love all these people in my life :)
Just cooked a fantastic meal.. steamed broccoli with carrots in butter, stir-fried chicken in lime leaves and sambal. Michelle went for TWO helpings!
Posting two lovely music videos that I simply love - just for those romantics out there :)
Back to today ..had a nice lunch of grilled fish with mashed potato and corn from Crazy Ang Mo at Bishan St 23.. then went to Yishun CLubfitt gym to cycle for about 26 minutes..and finished off with ab-blasting and back exercises. It's funny but today i feel exceptionally poised and happy somehow. The gym was pretty empty ..guess the guys r busy romancing their gals ..As i exercised I thought of all the loving msgs I received today ...but i realise most important of all, is to love myself and know that I'm lovable too as I love all these people in my life :)
Just cooked a fantastic meal.. steamed broccoli with carrots in butter, stir-fried chicken in lime leaves and sambal. Michelle went for TWO helpings!
Posting two lovely music videos that I simply love - just for those romantics out there :)
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Perfect Body Toning
In the quest for a toned but not muscular body, I came across this website :
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
A Poem That I Just Composed..
A Little Bit More
I have to tell you the truth..
I have not fallen in love with you fact -
From where I am, there’s still a long long way to the ground.
Each time you call me baby, sweetheart, honey
In that sexy voice so tenderly
I fall a little bit more ..
Each time you kiss me so deeply
Stroking my hair as you explore me
I fall a little bit more...
Each time you beat me at frontcrawl
Looking so strong as you hit the wall
I fall a little bit more...
Each time you make crazy love to me
Our lips locked and limbs entwined,
I fall a lot more love with you.
Still got forever to go...
Till I fall completely for you.
I have to tell you the truth..
I have not fallen in love with you fact -
From where I am, there’s still a long long way to the ground.
Each time you call me baby, sweetheart, honey
In that sexy voice so tenderly
I fall a little bit more ..
Each time you kiss me so deeply
Stroking my hair as you explore me
I fall a little bit more...
Each time you beat me at frontcrawl
Looking so strong as you hit the wall
I fall a little bit more...
Each time you make crazy love to me
Our lips locked and limbs entwined,
I fall a lot more love with you.
Still got forever to go...
Till I fall completely for you.
Monday, February 9, 2009
What kinda woman do men really like?
Well this is good news!! I came across an article that said men fantasize bout perfect women but feel intimidated to be intimate with them... Well unless you have a totally buff and perfect body too rite.. I kinda agree.. I feel very intimidated to date a very good looking and buff guy. Wonder how he'd find my not-so-perfect body and looks. I feel more at ease with someone who's fit but not too fat, cute looking, caring and fun. That's GOOD enuf! So guys, what is your opinion after reading the article?
Junk That Diet
Junk That Diet
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Medial Gastrocnemius Strain
That's what my injury is specifically called. During my MC I have been sleeping most mornings till 11 plus am, after waking up at 6 am to fetch my son to school. Take my breakfast and then back to bed. Somehow this injury makes me feel very tired and sleepy. Guess the body not only dispatches chemicals to the healing area but also sleepy chemicals to make me rest ..
I've found a website that fully describes the injury; perhaps it might be useful to anyone else so i've posted it here...
About a year ago, I received a call from a lady wanting to talk to me about some accident policy. Due to my buddy who's in sales, my treatment of sales personnel have greatly been altered from negative to positive. So I gave her a chance to describe her product and it turned out that it could be useful to me after all. It's called Caring Star Insurance Policy from MSIG. According to her, it provides a cover of $50 K for death or total disability, daily benefits of $20 per day and medical expenses covered up to $1000 per injury (even cover TCM). Not bad huh? Well since i do sports pretty frequently, the lady advised me to take it up and it's only $15.29 per day. Ok so i've been paying till now- total premiums is about $180 plus. But now i can claim it all back. Submitting my claims today...But not sure after tat whether my premium will increase?? Hmm...
Anyway i'm on mc till thursday..can't wait to go back to work on Friday. Meanwhile I've been swimming, thanks to my sports buddy (HUGS and KISSES for you honey). It's really times like this that you know who your true friends are. They're not just there for the good times but also when you're down n out!
Anyway to relate about my visit to Tan Tock Seng Hospital. THe first doctor i visited was at the polyclinic (on 28.1.09) and guess wat he said - "What do you want me to do?" I was stumped. Wah..wat a question! Anyway I told him I came so i can get a referral. He said it would be some time before i can get an appointment at the orthopaedic dept of any hospital. So i said - just try your best then. The referral turned out to be on the 6th of February! So I went to see a private doctor in the meanwhile (at the SIngapore Sports Medicine Centre - see my earlier post). Ok so finally on the 6th February i went to TTSH hoping they will schedule physiotherapy sessions to help me recover well. The doctor, an Indian expat, examined me on the couch by rotating my leg in all directions and pressing it hard in various places. After eliciting a lot of groans of pain from me, he said "ok it's not that just rest and it'd be fine..Don't stand for too long, at the most 10 mins" He said there's no need for physiotherapy sessions either! Geesh ... wat a waste of my time ..and money too... So looks like i'd have to continue with the Singapore Sports Medicine Centre if I want a proper recovery. The physiotherapist said I need to do sports masssage when the scar tissue forms else it will result in recurrent injuries next time...
I've found a website that fully describes the injury; perhaps it might be useful to anyone else so i've posted it here...
About a year ago, I received a call from a lady wanting to talk to me about some accident policy. Due to my buddy who's in sales, my treatment of sales personnel have greatly been altered from negative to positive. So I gave her a chance to describe her product and it turned out that it could be useful to me after all. It's called Caring Star Insurance Policy from MSIG. According to her, it provides a cover of $50 K for death or total disability, daily benefits of $20 per day and medical expenses covered up to $1000 per injury (even cover TCM). Not bad huh? Well since i do sports pretty frequently, the lady advised me to take it up and it's only $15.29 per day. Ok so i've been paying till now- total premiums is about $180 plus. But now i can claim it all back. Submitting my claims today...But not sure after tat whether my premium will increase?? Hmm...
Anyway i'm on mc till thursday..can't wait to go back to work on Friday. Meanwhile I've been swimming, thanks to my sports buddy (HUGS and KISSES for you honey). It's really times like this that you know who your true friends are. They're not just there for the good times but also when you're down n out!
Anyway to relate about my visit to Tan Tock Seng Hospital. THe first doctor i visited was at the polyclinic (on 28.1.09) and guess wat he said - "What do you want me to do?" I was stumped. Wah..wat a question! Anyway I told him I came so i can get a referral. He said it would be some time before i can get an appointment at the orthopaedic dept of any hospital. So i said - just try your best then. The referral turned out to be on the 6th of February! So I went to see a private doctor in the meanwhile (at the SIngapore Sports Medicine Centre - see my earlier post). Ok so finally on the 6th February i went to TTSH hoping they will schedule physiotherapy sessions to help me recover well. The doctor, an Indian expat, examined me on the couch by rotating my leg in all directions and pressing it hard in various places. After eliciting a lot of groans of pain from me, he said "ok it's not that just rest and it'd be fine..Don't stand for too long, at the most 10 mins" He said there's no need for physiotherapy sessions either! Geesh ... wat a waste of my time ..and money too... So looks like i'd have to continue with the Singapore Sports Medicine Centre if I want a proper recovery. The physiotherapist said I need to do sports masssage when the scar tissue forms else it will result in recurrent injuries next time...
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Beauty and the Beast
Today as i was driving my son to school, my attention was suddenly captured by this beautiful-looking woman standing on the centre divider of the road. She was tall, had long wavy hair, was wearing a dress that skims her curves beautifully and simply looked divine. A wave of emotions surged through me - envy, insecurity and inferiority as well as despair.. I just felt absolutely ugly at that moment - my short wave-less hair (i swear i'd never go back to this hairdresser AND i swear I wont cut my hair short again!), my petite frame and my average face. I simply hated myself at that moment and would give ANYTHING to be her..
After driving back, I went online and surfed the net - looking for ways to get that look...then a ray of reason finally shone through - "the only way to look like that woman is drastic PLASTIC surgery and even then you can't grow any taller! Why suffer like that to look like a bad imitation of someone else? ok..u aren't happy wif yr hair cut but it doesn't change WHO you are.. just use hair wax creatively and try to look chic with the right clothes..Comparision is a state of the MIND and that's the real BEAST!"
I started to feel more confident again ...yeah if i look like someone else, wouldn't my family and friends miss ME, regardless of the hair? The world will be so boring if everyone has the same age, look and body! I have to accept myself and make the most of my strengths - like my sensitivity, compassion and determination. I need to learn how to make the most of what I am, not be like someone else..and most of all, not compare myself with other women. Even if all the men in the world like a certain woman, they can't ALL have her, rite? So i dun hv to please ALL men, haha..start with pleasing myself first and that ONE man in my life :) I really do hope he really likes me for who i am, short hair, petite body, wrinkles and all, cos I like him for who HE is and definitely do not compare him to other men.
After driving back, I went online and surfed the net - looking for ways to get that look...then a ray of reason finally shone through - "the only way to look like that woman is drastic PLASTIC surgery and even then you can't grow any taller! Why suffer like that to look like a bad imitation of someone else? ok..u aren't happy wif yr hair cut but it doesn't change WHO you are.. just use hair wax creatively and try to look chic with the right clothes..Comparision is a state of the MIND and that's the real BEAST!"
I started to feel more confident again ...yeah if i look like someone else, wouldn't my family and friends miss ME, regardless of the hair? The world will be so boring if everyone has the same age, look and body! I have to accept myself and make the most of my strengths - like my sensitivity, compassion and determination. I need to learn how to make the most of what I am, not be like someone else..and most of all, not compare myself with other women. Even if all the men in the world like a certain woman, they can't ALL have her, rite? So i dun hv to please ALL men, haha..start with pleasing myself first and that ONE man in my life :) I really do hope he really likes me for who i am, short hair, petite body, wrinkles and all, cos I like him for who HE is and definitely do not compare him to other men.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Singapore Sports Medicine Centre
My buddy referred me to Singapore Sports Medicine Centre last week to get a proper assessment of my injury, while waiting for a referral from the polyclinic. It was a really posh place! My first consultation with a Dr Chang (the fee was about $270)involved a ultrasound scan which showed that there was really a tear of the ligament from the bone. The internal bleeding will slowly surface and manifest as blue-black marks around my shin. He gave me 2 weeks mc and told me not to move around so much as it will end up swelling again. Yeah he told me to ice often as much as FOUR times a day.. I was wondering how icing can help. Well this is what i discovered : "When you're injured, your body responds by going into protective mode and swelling in the area of the injury. However, sometimes the body doesn't know when to stop swelling -- that's where ice comes in. When a cold pack is applied to your skin, it "acts to slow down metabolism at the injury site, so your body can begin healing itself more quickly." Ice also acts as an analgesic to slow down and block pain impulses. Ice should be applied soon after the injury occurs. The coldness makes the veins in the tissue contract, which reduces circulation in the area. After the cold compress is removed, the veins overcompensate and dilate. Once that happens, the blood rushes into the area and brings with it the nutrients necessary to heal the injured area. "
So here i am, icing my injury ...praying for a speedy recovery. It's really tiring to walk with such an awkward gait.
So here i am, icing my injury ...praying for a speedy recovery. It's really tiring to walk with such an awkward gait.
Swimming Forever
Day 11...I've finally decided to heed the doctor's advice and rest at home till 12 Feb.. My mind and body wants to go back to work but the calf doesn't! Well in case you're envying me, don't.. I slept at 1 plus a.m. last nite after planning the lessons, printing them together with the SOWs for the relief teacher and scanning the text books for reference. I want to keep in close touch with what's going on in class through calls to the relief teacher as well as posting homework and lessons on my class blog. I've asked my pupils to email me and keep me posted on what's going on in class and so far they have, so I don't feel so alienated from school..
Meanwhile, I've discovered swimming again in a new way - front crawl. I never thought I'd be able to swim front crawl alone for ten over laps! I usually start off with breast stroke as warm-up for about 6 laps and then I'd alternate front crawl with breaststroke for the rest of the laps. But since breaststroke engages the calves, I'd hv to swim front crawl instead. Man it's tiring but it gives greater returns in terms of post-workout exhilaration. I feel so recharged and refreshed after about 12 -14 laps of front crawl that I find myself smiling non-stop after the swim!
Here's a website on frontcrawl and its benefits :
A video on technique of frontcrawl that I find useful :
Meanwhile, I've discovered swimming again in a new way - front crawl. I never thought I'd be able to swim front crawl alone for ten over laps! I usually start off with breast stroke as warm-up for about 6 laps and then I'd alternate front crawl with breaststroke for the rest of the laps. But since breaststroke engages the calves, I'd hv to swim front crawl instead. Man it's tiring but it gives greater returns in terms of post-workout exhilaration. I feel so recharged and refreshed after about 12 -14 laps of front crawl that I find myself smiling non-stop after the swim!
Here's a website on frontcrawl and its benefits :
A video on technique of frontcrawl that I find useful :
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Day 4
Today my calf feels much better. Still some pain when i walk but the pain is lessened definitely. I really hope i can walk by tmr. Anyway plan to go to the hospital for a scan to determine how bad the tear is..
Do you know a calf sprain feels like someone has hit you on the calf with something hard, like a rock or golf ball? That was what i thought at first. I looked around to see who had hit me but no one was around and then next thing i knew I was down on the ground, like those injured footballers, groaning and wincing in pain..
Well for now, exercise will have to be done like a paraplegic on wheelchair. I've always admired those ppl on wheelchairs who work out and participate in Paralympics..
Monday, January 26, 2009
Day 3
Been going to the chinese medicine centre everyday for change of dressing and today i had acupuncture and heat treatment. First experience with acupuncture and I must say it's painful but tolerable. The doc said my calf is much better and i can also feel less pain. But for the moment i can only walk on tiptoes using my left foot and tats very tiring so i use high heels instead! Takes the pressure off the toes and the whole foot can rest on the shoe. Its VERY tiring walking tiptoe on one foot and flat on the other. Like a limping animal... Now wif the high heels I can walk with more dignity n class:)
Another weird thing i must do is wrap my calf wif cling wrap b4 i shower each time.. But still the bandage gets wet..
Today i did some upper body exercises wif dumbells while sitting on a chair. Feels good. Also played boxing Wii till my arms ached! Went online and read up about calf injuries...discovered that I can swim still! Hooray... maybe I'd bump again into that ang mo guy who spoke to me last friday at the pool.. altho he din look superfit, he sure can swim FAST cos he swam faster than me! I had a hard time catching up with him. He told me he had already swam 20 laps b4 i came along. Wow...and then he sat on the edge and watched me swim...and asked me if i compete.. I was panting away as I answered, "Oh no that was a long time ago.." Then later I thought about his question again ..could he be complimenting me? I mean u dun ask someone if they compete if u dun think they swim fast rite? Oh well...anyway he looks like michael j fox .. and even waved goodbye to me as he left the complex..Well i think he's waving to me cos i din see anyone else wave back except me, hahaha...
So I can still work out ... i will do more upper body exercises tmr - like inclined knee push-ups, bent arm rows, triceps kickbacks, lateral arm raises, hammer curls...and some lying down/sitting yoga poses. Yoga a bit hard i think cos it involves the whole body but nvm i'd try and see....
No way I'd let an injury stop me! Oh yeah another good thing is ...i took up this accident insurance last year and now i can claim ...hopefully :)
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Blessed New Year
As I was hobbling to the car, it suddenly dawned on me that I'm so fortunate - it's just a temporal injury and I have a car to drive to the physician, instead of having to try to flag a taxi down. I was even more blessed - the physician is just 5 mins drive away at AMK and i managed to find a parking lot near the shop, even though there were many cars circling around looking for a lot (there's a church nearby). I forgot to call for an appt but they attended to me after a short wait of ten mins. The physician said mine's not as serious as I thought, just a small tear in the ligament. Now ain't I lucky? After a towel-biting massage, she put on some medicine and told me I could come back tmr for a fresh application of medicine and more massage. She's quite hopeful I can walk by Wed! Hooray! I really think this injury is a blessing - As i hobble around the house doing housework, I realise how much I've taken for granted my two legs. After I recover, I'd make sure I warm up much more and try not to overstrain any particular muscle too much. My mistake yesterday was to play badminton after 40 min on the cycling and elliptical machine. That was definitely overkill...
Anyway no matter how bad the circumstances, there's always blessings that will come out of it. I even managed to wash clothes on my knees. Now that's something new. I'm really thankful that I can even wash my clothes :) If not for this injury, I'd take for granted something so mundane as washing clothes.
Have a blessed Lunar New Year everyone!
Lunatic new year
I'm finally blogging now after a whole month cos i'm forced to take a rest from hopping and limping.. tore my left calf ligaments yesterday while playing badminton with my son, after an hour of cardio in the gym. So much for trying to get that killer bod. It's killing ME! I was supposed to rush back home after the badminton to get ready for a reunion dinner at my home but it was so bad that I could not even walk properly. Every step on my left foot was agony. So I had to resort to hopping on my right foot instead... Good thing that it happened yesterday cos my sis-in-law brought me to a registered chinese physician at AMK right before the dinner started cos the clinic would close at 9 pm. Lucky I invited my aunty Ruth to come for the dinner. She's a REAL angel in human form. She helped clean up the dishes and everything. If not for her, I really don't know how i'd cope. After that, my son Mark, another angel, helped me to bed and got everything I needed like drinks, etc. He actually attended to me like a nurse for half an hour!! When i thanked him, he said, "Nah, you took care of me when I was having my operation remember? I'm just returning a favour. " So sweeet ....
Well it was rather hard sleeping with the pain on my calf and i just drifted in and out of sleep. Woke up at 9 and had to get ready breakfast and lunch as well as hang up the laundry from the washing machine. I managed to cook lunch hopping around the kitchen and hang out the laundry as well. That's why I'm taking a break now - it's soo tiring! Going to hop to the carpark after this to drive to the chinese physician for my massage...geesh i really ain't looking forward to the pain :(
Sunday, January 18, 2009
School , booty calls and CNY
I'm ACTUALLY looking forward to school tomorrow. This class of mine is really cute. I enjoy teaching them, seeing their smiling enthusiastic faces. It's SUCH a change from the kids I taught last year. can't believe my new class blog has got over 200 hits in just 2 weeks! Sure feels good :) Guess I'm really on my way to being a real writer!
Just read some forums on women lamenting that their boyfriends don't spend enough time with them .. but when they do, they just want sex. No more shopping and movie dates, or chilling out together on beach, etc. Just a quick dinner and even quicker sex in the car/bedroom and he's either off or fallen asleep. Then the poor gal doesn't see or hear much from him for days or even weeks..before the next booty call again.. Does he love her or not? Well this smart guys know how to keep the booty in the groove by giving excuses like "Oh baby, you just don't know how much I miss you but im so busy here!" or "Honey, even though I'm so busy, I can't stop thinking of how sweet you are..hang in there for me". So the poor gal hangs in there...lonely night after lonely night.. the doubts start sinking in and she's driven to post in forums - "Does my boyfriend really love me or is he just using me?"
Well let's all agree on something - when a man really loves a woman, he'd want to spend as much time as he can with her. But.. ONCE in a week or even ONCE in two weeks is really a mockery. If he's that busy, then obviously whatever he's busy with is what he's IN LOVE with, not her. Right? So he's in love with his work, his sports, his buddies, his computer games.. sure he loves having sex with his gal but NOT as much as those. So that explains why he only has time for her ONCE in a while...and not as often as she wants to.
Anyway if it happens to me, I won't sweat over it. I'd never give my booty to anyone who isn't putting in effort to spend time with me. Cos the way i look at it - if my booty is that good, why on earth am I SOOO dumb to reserve it for a JERK who puts me on the bottom of his priorities and treats me as a booty call? There are plenty of guys out there who are sincere and will spend time with a woman they love, not treat her so bad. So gals, take my advice, cut the guy out of your list and start looking for REAL love, not booty love. You deserve love, not pining at home and missing the times you spent together. Nah, don't go and talk to him about it. Of coz he'd promise you he'd change and start spending more time with you but it won't last, I can bet my last dollar. After he realises you still need him, he'd just slip back to his lazy ways and lame excuses.. For all you know, he's romancing a new gal, that's why he's so unavailable and keeping you on the shelf for that once-in-a-week or once-in-a-fortnight booty call. What a jerk right?
Ok enuf of jerks. I did some CNY shopping today - bought 4 pairs of shoes, four tops and some belts. Found this really cool belt with roses on it!! Cooool :)
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
What They Didn�t Tell You About Teaching
Check out this SlideShare Presentation:
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