Sunday, November 22, 2009


I was pondering on this when someone asked me - can you love someone without the commitment? I wonder if you can. I think if someone is truly in love, he or she will automatically commit. What does commitment mean? Well it means different things to different people, but basically it means to be there for the person on a regular basis. I think friendships and relationships grow if people set aside a regular time to be together. Like me and Anita, we try to set aside Friday nites. Recently, after my anniversary date with my hubby, I was kinda touched he said ..why don't we have regular saturday dinners together, just two of us? I thought of his statement over and over again and it brought tears to my eyes. Isn't that so sweet? To tell someone that you wanna put aside a certain day of the week regularly for the person. That is what I call commitment. Well there's nothing wrong with making appointments based on impulse or need. It's still far better than making appointments cause you're free! That's really treating the person as a spare tyre! But I think commitment to a day and activity bonds people together. Like buddies who meet up for sports regularly on a certain day of the week. I used to have this kind of arrangement for swimming and I must say I really miss it. It was so nice to look forward to the swimming every Monday. It really beats swimming alone. Now I have this Saturday lunch weekly appointment with an old friend I bumped into last month. Yesterday I broke it and really felt bad about it. I'm definitely making a resolution not to break it unless it is an emergency.

So go think bout the people you really love. Do you have regular fixed days set aside for them? Even if it's just talking on the phone every nite before you go to bed, it really bonds the relationship. I know of this couple who did this before they were married. Every nite they'd call each other to catch up wif the day. That's what every couple should do!

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