Sunday, January 25, 2009

Blessed New Year

As I was hobbling to the car, it suddenly dawned on me that I'm so fortunate  - it's just a temporal injury and I have a car to drive to the physician, instead of having to try to flag a taxi down. I was even more blessed - the physician is just 5 mins drive away at AMK and i managed to find a parking lot near the shop, even though there were many cars circling around looking for a lot (there's a church nearby). I forgot to call for an appt but they attended to me after a short wait of ten mins. The physician said mine's not as serious as I thought, just a small tear in the ligament. Now ain't I lucky? After a towel-biting massage, she put on some medicine and told me I could come back tmr for a fresh application of medicine and more massage. She's quite hopeful I can walk by Wed! Hooray!  I really think this injury is a blessing - As i hobble around the house doing housework, I realise how much I've taken for granted my two legs. After I recover, I'd make sure I warm up much more and try not to overstrain any particular muscle too much. My mistake yesterday was to play badminton after 40 min on the cycling and elliptical machine. That was definitely overkill...

Anyway no matter how bad the circumstances, there's always blessings that will come out of it. I even managed to wash clothes on my knees. Now that's something new. I'm really thankful that I can even wash my clothes :) If not for this injury, I'd take for granted something so mundane as washing clothes. 

Have a blessed Lunar New Year everyone!  

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