Wednesday, December 31, 2008
1. Be patient and encouraging especially when I help Mark with his studies, especially Chinese. Because of how easy it is to learn things, I have been very impatient and critical.
2. Be committed to a more intensive exercise program. Pick up inline skating and be able to skate well by end of 2009.
3. Be kind to myself and accept myself as I am - stop comparing with others.
4. Say YES more often!!
Here's wishing all of you the best of health, great wealth, lasting happiness and deep peace in the year 2009. Do exercise,laugh, forgive and forget MORE and complain, whine and criticize LESS. Happy new year!! Cheerzzz!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Have your CAKE and eat it too
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Short Break in Batam

Merry Christmas
Have a very merry Christmas with your family and loved ones, ppl!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
A tribute to CERTAIN men only
Well today i went out to get breakfast for my three kids (in case you didn't know, i have three, aged 50, 16 and 11) and saw three men who really tugged at my heart... the thing in common with all three was - they were all lugging bags of groceries and food from coffee shops and/or supermarket. No I did not notice if they were handsome or well-built. All I saw was bicep muscles that bulged through the fat layers from the weight of the bags.. mind you, i never cared for bicep muscles that bulged at the gym. Its THESE bicep muscles that really caught my eye cos they bulged, not with narcissism or vanity, but with love and warmth. I was filled with envy for the wives or galfriends of these men, cos they certainly have got GEMS. If i had a husband or boyfriend like that, I'd certainly love and cherish him with all my heart, mind and body, regardless of whether he's ugly, fat or even bald. I just want to give him lots of hugs and kisses for those loving trips to the coffee shop to get breakfast while i snoozed in bed for more beauty sleep or pick up the groceries while i take care of the kids at home.. I want to dress up in my sexiest lingerie and give him the best blowjob that any man will die for!!! Ahem.. I remember there was this lady colleague of mine who had a very good looking husband who was also very very thoughtful and caring. He would come by to the school often to pick up her stuff and books. (most husbands only wait in the carpark to pick up their spouses but he actually came up to the staffroom to carry her stuff down) He even helped her with work-related tasks like drive her all over the island to look for some costumes for a school play. He was truly THE most caring

And oh yes i also saw a man holding his little daughter's hand and as they passed me, i heard the man saying so gently and lovingly to the sweetie pie "Are you tired? Do you want me to carry you?" He wasn't at all good looking or even well-built but at that moment those were the sweetest words i ever heard from a man for a long time....i was kinda wishing I could give him a kiss and hug for being so so sweet and loving to his daughter!!!
Well if you think you are like any of these men I've described, i would love to give you some hugs and kisses too! Muaccck... Today's post is dedicated to men like you - who love your women and care for them! You rock, men, you really ROCK!!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Creamy Ham and Mushroom Pasta
400g penne pasta
1/2 onion, finely chopped

250g button mushrooms, thinly sliced
1 garlic clove, crushed
5 slices ham , sliced
375ml evaporated milk
1 teaspoon cornflour
salt and cracked black pepper
1 tablespoon finely chopped flat-leaf parsley
1 tablespoon finely grated parmesan
salad leaves, to serve
Cook the pasta in a large saucepan of salted boiling water according to packet instructions or until al dente. Drain and cover to keep warm.
Meanwhile, place a non-stick frying pan over medium heat and spray with olive oil spray. Add the onion and cook for 3 minutes or until just soft, then add the mushroom and cook for another 3 minutes.
Add the garlic and ham and cook for 1 minute. Stir in the evaporated milk and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for 2 minutes, stirring regularly, to avoid the sauce sticking to the bottom of the pan.
Meanwhile mix together the cornflour and 1 tablespoon water until it forms a smooth paste. Stir into the sauce and simmer for 2-3 minutes or until the mixture has thickened. Add the cooked pasta, salt, pepper, parsley and parmesan to the pan and toss until well combined. Serve with a simple salad.
Motorola Razr V9 sucks!

1) Too big a phone for CLAM design. So when you open and close often, the hinge is overworked, something like a big heavy door.
2) The type of hinge. It's a roller kind.
Before it fell apart, I had another BIG problem with it. If it got SLIGHTLY damp (maybe due to your hands or rainy day), the phone will HANG! Yeah, you can't send msgs or call, only receive calls. I had to send it to the service centre when it happened the first time. After that, I simply threw it on the bed repeatedly till it worked again! Frustrating for me as i go swimming often and even though I did not put the phone to swim in the pool, if my damp towel so much as touched the phone, it will hang!! :(
So DON'T buy this phone EVER!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Taking Care of a Woman
1) Plenty of sunshine
2) Rich loose soil and
3) Plenty of nutrients...
Women are jus like roses. They aren't really hard to understand. Jus give them plenty of love and attention.. don't treat them as sex objects or worse - only be sweet when you want some intimacy and after that, bury yourself in your work for days and forget about her till you need some intimacy again. Soon she will see the 'cycle' and feel so lousy... Frankly i don't see what's so difficult about sending a good nite sms if you're not living together ... it really means a lot to the woman..or a peck on the cheek to say good nite.. For me, if the guy can't even be bothered to do that, i'd just write him off~
Some men might think - so much hard work for what? Jus send an sms a day will do lah.. but let me share a secret.. even gardeners take care of their plants more than that and they bloom so beautifully, right? The flowers don't ask for such tender loving care..but the gardeners do it so willingly cos they know these plants are fragile .. women's feelings likewise are fragile too... they love it when you send them a morning greeting, call in the midst of your busy schedule or send an sms and then round off the day by a good nite sms. Now and then buy them some flowers if they really mean that much to you. Words are cheap.. don't tell us that you miss us so much but yet have nothing to show for it... a flower, a bracelet or costume jewellery..even a book on her hobby ...It really makes them feel so loved..and they'd be so willing to do anything for you... on the other hand, if you neglect your women, all it takes is someone who's willing to nurture them to take them away from you.. not even necessarily someone better looking. Jus someone who's willing to put in the time .. We're not asking for you to call us all day. Jus a few minutes a few times a day... and if work is so important that you can't spare the time, perhaps you should consider marrying your work :P
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Exercise Vs Companionship
Monday, November 3, 2008

Target : 47.5 kg (30/11/2008)
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Age does not protect us from love, but love to some extent protects us from age
"No matter what lifestyle we lead, there is no escape from age. We will at some point in our life, wake up and realize that we are no longer young, we will have to accept that our health is more fragile, our strength is less strong and our beauty is fading we will have to accept the natural process of aging, and nothing in the world can stop that but being in love keeps us young at heart, makes us age gracefully, keeps us healthier and that is also a fact. I like to say that Love sugar-coats age! Compare an old lonely woman to a woman of the same age surrounded by her children and the ones she loves, you will definitely see a huge difference, in physical as well as emotional well being. So I agree that being surrounded by love will surround us by positive energy and will keep age to some extent away. But does age keep love away? No. Love has no age. You can fall in love and keep on loving those around you and life even if you live more than 200 years! "
I so agree with this quote.. when I love, i feel so young..laughing, joking, smiling and hugging..I feel so happy and light. That's how i know i'm in love... Of coz we have our quarrels and arguments too, but they are few and each time it happens, we feel so awful being apart that we get even closer after that!
Eczema Solutions and LMC meet-up
Thursday, October 30, 2008
HIT training
I'd also be following a strict diet of 5 small meals a day : 1st meal will be smoothie, Meal 2 will be an energy bar. Meal 3 will be a sandwich with simple salad. Meal 4 will be a fruit and nuts. Meal 5 will be a soup.
Want back control of MY body!
Made it again..
The trivia :
Target for 3A : A & A* : 9 No. Achieved : 10
Passes for 3A : 25 No. Achieved : 31
Target for 3D : A & A* : 29 No. Achieved : 31
Passes for 3D : 36 No. Achieved : 41
Now to work on mine and my son's chinese .... Intend to put in at least an hour of studying chinese a day for myself.. yao duo jiang hua yu!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
FLoWeRs by Wendy Cope
Some men never think of it.
You did. You'd come along
And say you'd nearly brought me flowers
But something had gone wrong.
The shop was closed. Or you had doubts -
The sort that minds like ours
Dream up incessantly. You thought
I might not want your flowers.
It made me smile and hug you then.
Now I can only smile.
But, look, the flowers you nearly brought
Have lasted all this while.
(Wendy Cope)
T'was a nice meal that I cooked...
Monday, October 27, 2008

What's so special about a blue rose?