Well today i went out to get breakfast for my three kids (in case you didn't know, i have three, aged 50, 16 and 11) and saw three men who really tugged at my heart... the thing in common with all three was - they were all lugging bags of groceries and food from coffee shops and/or supermarket. No I did not notice if they were handsome or well-built. All I saw was bicep muscles that bulged through the fat layers from the weight of the bags.. mind you, i never cared for bicep muscles that bulged at the gym. Its THESE bicep muscles that really caught my eye cos they bulged, not with narcissism or vanity, but with love and warmth. I was filled with envy for the wives or galfriends of these men, cos they certainly have got GEMS. If i had a husband or boyfriend like that, I'd certainly love and cherish him with all my heart, mind and body, regardless of whether he's ugly, fat or even bald. I just want to give him lots of hugs and kisses for those loving trips to the coffee shop to get breakfast while i snoozed in bed for more beauty sleep or pick up the groceries while i take care of the kids at home.. I want to dress up in my sexiest lingerie and give him the best blowjob that any man will die for!!! Ahem.. I remember there was this lady colleague of mine who had a very good looking husband who was also very very thoughtful and caring. He would come by to the school often to pick up her stuff and books. (most husbands only wait in the carpark to pick up their spouses but he actually came up to the staffroom to carry her stuff down) He even helped her with work-related tasks like drive her all over the island to look for some costumes for a school play. He was truly THE most caring

And oh yes i also saw a man holding his little daughter's hand and as they passed me, i heard the man saying so gently and lovingly to the sweetie pie "Are you tired? Do you want me to carry you?" He wasn't at all good looking or even well-built but at that moment those were the sweetest words i ever heard from a man for a long time....i was kinda wishing I could give him a kiss and hug for being so so sweet and loving to his daughter!!!
Well if you think you are like any of these men I've described, i would love to give you some hugs and kisses too! Muaccck... Today's post is dedicated to men like you - who love your women and care for them! You rock, men, you really ROCK!!
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