Sunday, August 26, 2012

Catching up on my Movies

Haven't been to the movies for a loooong time and finally got my movie fix two weekends in a row. Watched the Expendables 2 last Monday and Batman yesterday night. Great movies, great company! Yeah, I'm glad I've got movie buddies, especially now that my kids are watching movies with their frens and no longer with me.. New phase of life - so roll with the 'punches' out new ways to meet my needs. I like watching movies but why watch them alone when I can watch it with someone who is equally into this sort of thing, and still can go for supper and chat after that?  I'm certainly entering into a new phase of my life - the empty nest phase - slowly easing into it... was hard at first (read my earlier posts on how 'lonely' I felt during the weekends) but now that I've got company and friends who are equally 'lonely' on weekends, I don't have to lament anymore. In fact, I've got company during the weekdays too! Now my social calendar is so full - I've got to actually juggle it. But it's a great feeling to connect. Human beings are essentially gregarious creatures. They need families and they need friends to be close to. If families aren't there to meet their social and emotional needs, there's always friends and  acquaintances. The more I make an effort to reach out to people and meet them and know them, I realise there is a world of strangers waiting to be 'discovered'. Strangely, I myself am also discovering more of myself as I interact with new contacts. I guess different people bring out different aspects of me - depending on their interests, personalities and life experiences. Looking forward to my weekends now   - it's no longer just filled with housework and exercise. In fact I have to space out my housework throughout the week so that I can find time to go out on Friday, Sat and even Sunday! When I came back last night at 2 am, my family remarked - "wow, mummy is now coming back even later than us!"

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