Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My weekend shopping notes

Had a great Saturday afternoon shopping in town. Yes alone and it was great. I realised there's a world of difference between aloneness and loneliness. I can be alone and still be happy cos I enjoy my own company. Anyway I'm not really alone. I hv the company of the One who loves me far more than anyone else. I enjoy looking at stuff without any interference and interruption. Totally focused on the sights and sounds in town..whereas loneliness can occur even in a crowd cos one does not belong. I used to feel that way till I found confidence and friends who kept me company thru their constant texts and calls.

Ok my shopping notes.. I discovered Uniglo has really nice tights! Bought one faux jeans tight and after wearing it once, I have decided to go get another one.. Got a sexy outfit from Purpur - black shift with orange-red sweater worn outside. Can't wait for a nice date to wear it..

Got myself new workout bras and cotton undies that will give good support as well as absorb my perspiration.. Haven't tried any of them yet.. Tmr nite will be my first.

Three camisoles from Mango and thanks to a nice lady at the counter, I got 20% on them with her membership card.

Finally I got a denim vest for my wardrobe. Been looking for one that has an uncluttered simple chic look and I found it at Purpur!

After 3 hours of shopping, the best thing to do is - swimming. It really soothes the aching feet.

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