NOW I know why the japanese has such a dish that looks so plain but essentially so nutritious that it's a complete meal in itself! I used to regard Zaru soba - the cold noodle eaten with dipping sauce - as just 'instant' noodles but after I watched a soba-making demo at NEX shopping centre, I realised that it's a noodle that's filled with fibre and protein! Here's the nutritional benefits from http://www.healthhokkaido.com/files/Articles_Oshimi/soba.cfm :
Nutritionally buckwheat provides vitamins B1 and B2, several minerals, and nearly twice the amount of proteins found in rice. Rutin, a kind of bioflavonoid that includes the catechins of green tea and the polyphenols of red wine, is not found in other grains or beans, but is contained in great quantity in buckwheat. This bioflavonoid strengthens capillaries and so helps people suffering from arteriosclerosis and high blood pressure. Recent studies indicate that rutin is also a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals, which are responsible for many cancers.Buckwheat also contains choline. Choline, a compound in the vitamin B complex that plays an important role in metabolism, lowers blood pressure, and decreases cholesterol.
The following is the summary of the major health benefits of buckwheat.
Decreases cholesterol
Lowers blood pressure
Reduces fat accumulation
Promotes healthy bowel movements
Fits a well-balanced and low-calorie diet
Well more reasons now to eat my fave noodle more often, hehe. In fact, I'm going to eat the FRESHLY made zaru soba at NEX this week. Anyone wanna join me?
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