Friday, September 3, 2010

Why We Still Need Men?

from :

We don't need a man to give us orgasms, we can do that by ourselves. We don't need men to pay for us, buy us stuff, or drive us around. We can do everything for ourselves that we possibly need but there is one thing that we can't do. Give ourselves the feeling that comes for someone loving us unconditionally and wildly.
Yes we can unconditionally love ourselves but there is nothing like feeling as if we are in a secure, loving, and compassionate relationship.
Our man is supposed to lift us up and make us feel better about ourselves. He's supposed to show us how special, important, and amazing we are to him. He is supposed to cherish us and let us know that he does so by his actions and his words. Especially his actions.
But when he makes you feel like you're not special to him or cherished by him it can actually really hurt and be really stressful on you.
Relationships should be a support system that is made from a pure web of love. That is it. There should be no constant feelings of anger, fighting, crying, sadness, or any other negative emotion.That's not a relationship, that's a hassle.
If you are in a relationship like that you should re-evaluate how important it is for you to stay in that relationship and if it is important then you have to find a way to make it better for your sanity and the happiness of your life. Why spend your life any other way than happy?
No one deserves to be unhappy and desperate for something that they just cannot seem to get from their closest ally no matter how hard they try. With the amount of negativity we face in our outside world we deserve to come home to someone who makes us forget all those negative things and instead lifts us up and make us feel good.
If you have tried and tried to make it better with no results it may be time to get out of the relationship. If it's not going to get better than you are literally staying in a relationship that does not make you happy instead of letting go and finding someone who will make you feel really and truly loved.
It's your choice but I know where I would rather be.

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