When you really and truly love someone, there is no replacement ...
Someone who really cares bout you makes you feel like a million dollar bill, not a cheap dollar bill...
And this song makes me cry..so beautiful...thank you, Whitney...for singing what is in my heart..
This song is so lovely!!
This song is for the special man in my life ...I just can't stop loving him even through the rough times..
This song must be for Bobby Brown who messed up her life. Yes, Whitney, you deserve better than him..
I can relate to this song cos deep inside I'm so vulnerable ..but I'm getting stronger and more confident...Like Whitney, I feel better than ever before. I shall leave the sad years behind and look forward to happy years ahead!
Monday, November 28, 2011
Passed my PC Test today
Had a great time at executive golf course this morning with two golf buddies and my golf coach. Must practise more at the driving range. Meanwhile looking for golf shoes, golf clubs and golf bag...
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Be thankful even for the little you get
Today I woke up and was faced with a mountain of housework . After fetching mich to uni for her exam, I got started on the chores. And somehow I began to find that the chores helped me pass a morn fruitfully. It was gd to see the house cleaner. In fact I'm thankful to have a house to clean! I'm blessed to be healthy and strong enuf to clean the house. No comparing with tai tais who don't need to do housework. They hv their problems I'm sure. It's how you are thankful for even the little you have that God will bless and increase it!.
Friday, November 25, 2011
M hotel hotpot buffet
Celebrating the birthday of one of my PESS Coursemates. It's nice to laugh over the memories of our three months at NIE.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Instill a Sense of Optimism
We frequently meet with difficult situations in our lives. Sometimes, things don't go our way. We may even encounter a series of failures. It is easy to be disheartened and give up, thinking that things will never get better. How can we make things better? The answer is being optimistic! Remember three things : One, experiencing failure in one area of life does not translate to being defeated in other areas as well. (So if your boyfriend or ex treated you badly, doesn't mean others will.) Two, while taking responsibility for what happened, acknowledge that some circumstances are beyond our control. (like his feelings for you. If he has lost his love for you, there's nothing much you can do) Three, bad events are temporary. So look beyond the dark clouds that may gather, and know that "there is always sunshine after the rain." (Yes, have faith in yourself and be that person he first fell in love with, cos that's the personality that will attract another guy)
The next time you experience disappointment over a failure, whether work, relationship or personal goal, remember A.R.T.
A : Acnowledge that certain things are beyond your control.
R : Recognise your other accomplishments.
T : Trust that the present situation is only temporary.
Boy, do I need all that advice above myself. I'm trusting that I'm only being put on the shelf temporarily..soon I'd see the rainbow through the clouds..
My blessings for today : My lovely beautician at Estee Lauder, my improving skin and God's love for me.
The next time you experience disappointment over a failure, whether work, relationship or personal goal, remember A.R.T.
A : Acnowledge that certain things are beyond your control.
R : Recognise your other accomplishments.
T : Trust that the present situation is only temporary.
Boy, do I need all that advice above myself. I'm trusting that I'm only being put on the shelf temporarily..soon I'd see the rainbow through the clouds..
My blessings for today : My lovely beautician at Estee Lauder, my improving skin and God's love for me.
Support from Others
Sometimes, we may feel it is a sign of weakness to get support from others, or that we should not trouble our family and friends with the difficulties that we are facing. It takes great courage to show our vulnerable side to them. When we cannot manage alone, having a listening ear and or receiving practical support from others would be useful.
When I was feeling so down yesterday morning, I told a friend on msn about my mood and his support and encouragement really helped to cheer me up. Family and close friends can be good sources of support - strengthen these relationships. Make time for that long overdue dinner appointment that was postponed due to your busy schedule.
When I was feeling so down yesterday morning, I told a friend on msn about my mood and his support and encouragement really helped to cheer me up. Family and close friends can be good sources of support - strengthen these relationships. Make time for that long overdue dinner appointment that was postponed due to your busy schedule.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Exercise Your Choice To Adopt A Positive Outlook On Life
"Life's not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain," Vivian Greene.
We make choices in life everyday, but sometimes what we are not conscious of is we can also make choices about our attitudes towards life. Choosing to see things in a positive light will help keep us going even during the hardest times, motivating us towards overcoming the challenges ahead. Make the best out of any situation!
Today, I maintained a positive outlook on life by doing a positive stock-take of my life. I counted my blessings and realised that if I made a list daily, I'd really stay positive..
My list of blessings today :
- Watched a great movie
-Helped someone get a new phone
- Ate a yummy meal at a new restaurant "The Big O"
What's your list today? Make a list of 3 blessings every nite before you go to bed or better still, share with your loved ones. You'd feel so much happier!
We make choices in life everyday, but sometimes what we are not conscious of is we can also make choices about our attitudes towards life. Choosing to see things in a positive light will help keep us going even during the hardest times, motivating us towards overcoming the challenges ahead. Make the best out of any situation!
Today, I maintained a positive outlook on life by doing a positive stock-take of my life. I counted my blessings and realised that if I made a list daily, I'd really stay positive..
My list of blessings today :
- Watched a great movie
-Helped someone get a new phone
- Ate a yummy meal at a new restaurant "The Big O"
What's your list today? Make a list of 3 blessings every nite before you go to bed or better still, share with your loved ones. You'd feel so much happier!
Suuuper movie- REAL STEEL
wow I'm giving it 10/10 for real entertainment value!!! Laughed n cried n even did some kickboxing moves in the cinema, hahaha.. Really cured my impending mild depression.. Hugh Jackman, you ROOOOCK!! I luuuurve you !
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Recharge Yourself Daily
Sometimes we get so caught up in our daily chores that we forget to recharge ourselves. This allows stress and negative feelings to build up, which may result in burn-out. Taking care of yourself is essential! Pay attention to your needs, and do something for yourself everyday. This will help you regain strength and be empowered to overcome the challenges that come your way.
Practical Assignment :
Set aside some "ME" time everyday. Take part in activities that you enjoy. Perhaps it's taking a short walk on the beach. Maybe it's even catching up on your favourite reading. Pick a time that works best for you; there's no strict timetable!
For me today, I did an hour of body workouts focusing on the arms and butt, followed by 10 min of balance and flexibility exercises... REALLY felt good today and so proud of myself for making the discipline to work out. I also found time to cook Spaghetti Bolognese for my family. Home-cooked food really tastes good. I like bolognese with chopped chilli padi. It becomes Bolognese Arrabiata! Yummy... Third wonderful thing that happened today is ...I managed to catch up with 2 PESS coursemates at the Health Conference today :)
Practical Assignment :
Set aside some "ME" time everyday. Take part in activities that you enjoy. Perhaps it's taking a short walk on the beach. Maybe it's even catching up on your favourite reading. Pick a time that works best for you; there's no strict timetable!
For me today, I did an hour of body workouts focusing on the arms and butt, followed by 10 min of balance and flexibility exercises... REALLY felt good today and so proud of myself for making the discipline to work out. I also found time to cook Spaghetti Bolognese for my family. Home-cooked food really tastes good. I like bolognese with chopped chilli padi. It becomes Bolognese Arrabiata! Yummy... Third wonderful thing that happened today is ...I managed to catch up with 2 PESS coursemates at the Health Conference today :)
How to Improve Your Performance
Factors Influencing Performance :
Performance is affected by: skills, knowledge, emotion, motivation and ability.
Effect of Stress & Sleep Deprivation
When deprived of sleep and under stress, an individual’s Task Control Performance will decline by 3.5%, a non-significant performance decline. However, their Visual-Motor Control will go down by 27.5%, a significant performance decline.
Tips for Immediate Stress Relief
Connect to a loved one – Prepare yourself- Know yourself – Exercise for a quick burst of energy – Get some fresh air – Have a small treat – Laugh
Nutrition Tips
Hydrate, increase good fats, balance your diet, increase good carbs, reduce sugar/salt, and limit caffeine.
50 Best Brain Foods
Almonds – Almond milk, unsweetened – Apples – Asparagus – Avocados – Bananas – Beans, black, pinto, garbanzo – Bell peppers, yellow, green, red and orange – Beets – Blackberries – Blueberries – Broccoli - Brussels Sprouts – Carrots – Cheese, low fat – Cherries – Chicken, skinless – Cranberries - Egg whites – Grapefruit – Herring – Honeydew – Kiwi – Lemons – Lentils – Limes – Oats – Olives – Olive Oil – Oranges – Peaches – Peas – Plums – Pomegranates – Raspberries - Red Grapes – Soybeans – Spinach – Strawberries – Tea – Green – Tofu – Tomatoes – Tuna – Turkey, skinless – Walnuts – Water – Whole Wheat – Wild Salmon – Yams and sweet potatoes – Yogurt, unsweetened
Performance is affected by: skills, knowledge, emotion, motivation and ability.
Effect of Stress & Sleep Deprivation
When deprived of sleep and under stress, an individual’s Task Control Performance will decline by 3.5%, a non-significant performance decline. However, their Visual-Motor Control will go down by 27.5%, a significant performance decline.
Tips for Immediate Stress Relief
Connect to a loved one – Prepare yourself- Know yourself – Exercise for a quick burst of energy – Get some fresh air – Have a small treat – Laugh
Nutrition Tips
Hydrate, increase good fats, balance your diet, increase good carbs, reduce sugar/salt, and limit caffeine.
50 Best Brain Foods
Almonds – Almond milk, unsweetened – Apples – Asparagus – Avocados – Bananas – Beans, black, pinto, garbanzo – Bell peppers, yellow, green, red and orange – Beets – Blackberries – Blueberries – Broccoli - Brussels Sprouts – Carrots – Cheese, low fat – Cherries – Chicken, skinless – Cranberries - Egg whites – Grapefruit – Herring – Honeydew – Kiwi – Lemons – Lentils – Limes – Oats – Olives – Olive Oil – Oranges – Peaches – Peas – Plums – Pomegranates – Raspberries - Red Grapes – Soybeans – Spinach – Strawberries – Tea – Green – Tofu – Tomatoes – Tuna – Turkey, skinless – Walnuts – Water – Whole Wheat – Wild Salmon – Yams and sweet potatoes – Yogurt, unsweetened
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Bolognese Pie!
Cooked this for dinner tonite. This is inspired by a bolognese pie we had in Hong Kong two years ago. Check out the meat sauce, pasta, mashed potato layers and cheese topping!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Felt so mentally exhausted when I reached hm at 6 pm today after 12 hours of work! I knew I had to do some workout else I'd be too tired to do anything else for the rest of the night. Ahh I hope to see that Mr Saito to get some motivation! But to my disappointment he wasn't there, only my coach Terry. He had his run already so I did 4 rounds of warm up n then I proceeded to do HIT training - faster on the straight lanes n slow down on the bends.. Four rounds of that n my heart was threatening to burst! Finally one last round of slow run at a steady pace..I was breathless! When I sat down to do my circuit of ab exercises, my coach suddenly said, "you got very nice legs"!! He said that's more the result of swimming rather than running. He then went on to say that i should continue to swim as my body is well proportioned cos of it. Woohoo!! That's the nicest thing I've heard all day, coming from an athletic coach too!!
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Lunch at The Hand Burger@Raffles City
Never tried this place before so we decided to give it a try. I ordered the pulled pork burger and a side of fries. Service was quick and good. Plain water was served quickly while we were waiting. The burger was yummy! At about $12 bucks it's worth it. Lots of meat n the slaw was great. The fries were fantastic too. My gal ordered the soup side and it came in a big bowl with lots of chunky mushroom bits! My mister ordered the salad side n it was amazing - with croutons n bacon bits!! I've already decided I'd go there again soon!
Hair do at Kenaris
Neatened up my fringe but basically kept the hair length. My hair dresser says I look sexy in this longer hair!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
My weekend shopping notes 2
At Takashimaya basement now, waiting for my Niku Udon..just bought make up n skin care from Estee Lauder, a jeans belt and some chocolate for my visitations tmr nite.. Oh no.. The Niku udon came with fatty pork! Heck, I can only eat the noodles.. Sigh fortunately not too expensive! The udon is thick n delicious though...
This is called Chocolate Salami..The samples tasted good! Only at $9.90 per tin...
This is the Udon eatery I'm waiting at now...
This is the $108 Make up set from Estee Lauder. Supposed to be $800 value..Well i love the lipsticks..pink and sweet.. The eye colour palette looks interesting too..lots of colours to play with. Definitely worth a buy....
This is the Jeans belt I bought at Takashimaya Level 1. To replace the old roses belt I've used for the last few years.. Looks plain and nice right...Not too bling bling. I like my jeans belt to be rugged and plain...with attitude...
This is the Condiments set at the Eatery..Staring at it now..My number is 20....
Ok this is the Yukky Niku Udon. First time I'm eating a Niku Udon with such fatty meat!
The Make up Case ...looks cute huh.. Well nice as a collectible I guess...
Friday, November 4, 2011
More Jokes

A man walked into a lawyer’s office...
A man walked into a lawyer’s office and inquired about the rates.
“Fifty dollars for three questions, ” replied the lawyer.
“Isn’t that awfully steep?” asked the man.
“Yes,” the lawyer replied, “and what was your third question?”
Who is wrong?
Wife is dreaming in the middle of the night
and suddenly shouts: “Up! Quick! My husband is back!”
Man gets up, jumps out of the window,
hurts himself, and then realizes: “Damn, I am the husband!”
A panda walks into a bar and orders a sandwich. When he finishes, he pulls out a gun and shoots the waiter dead. As the panda stands up to leave, the bartender shouts, "Hey! Where are you going? You just shot my waiter and you didn't pay for your sandwich!" The panda shouts back, "Hey, I'm a panda -- look it up!" The bartender opens his dictionary to "panda" and reads: "A bear-like black and white animal native to mountainous regions of China and Tibet. Eats shoots and leaves."
Thursday, November 3, 2011
A new look at 60
I used to think 60 is saggy, pot bellied, wrinkled and slow... Till I met this awesome 60 year old runner at Bishan Stadium. Still can't get over how fast he runs and his toned fit body that will put many younger men in their 30s and even 20s to shame! Just to watch him run is inspiration enough for me..the best compliments I've got is from younger women who said to me "i hope I'd look as good as u when I'm yr age." Well now it's my turn to say I hope I look that great when
I'm 60!
I'm 60!
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