Sunday, February 14, 2010

In Praise of the Forties - MORE Magazine

In Praise of the Forties - MORE Magazine


Was cleaning up my fridge the other day and noticed I had this balsamic vinegar dressing which was expiring soon.. Today I saw this recipe for a new salmon marinade and decided I'd try it since I have all the ingredients at hand! Just marinated the salmon with it at 7.30 and can't wait to grill it an hour later at 8.30 pm! *rubs hands*

Dark Balsamic, Soy and Honey Glazed Grilled Northwest Salmon

Top 10: Fitness Ball Exercises

Top 10: Fitness Ball Exercises

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Create a MySpace Playlist at

Love Songs

Carrying Your heart

I Carry Your Heart With Me

I carry your heart with me (I carry it in
my heart) I am never without it (anywhere
I go you go, my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing, my darling)

I fear no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) I want
no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

Here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
And the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
Higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
And this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

by e e cummings

I carry your heart (I carry it in my heart)

Most Important Words

I'm sorry i've decided to remove that negative post on hatred cos it's only MY perspective. No matter how selfish another person acts, they have their reasons. Maybe I perceived it the wrong way. Whatever it is, it is NOT fair or RIGHT of me to post negative comments on another person's behaviour from my limited point of view. I ADMIT I MADE A MISTAKE...

The six most important words in the world: I ADMIT I MADE A MISTAKE

The five most important words in the word: YOU DID A GOOD JOB

The four most important words in the word: WHAT IS YOUR OPINION?

The three most important words in the word: IF YOU PLEASE

The two most important words in the word: THANK YOU

The most important word in the word: WE

The least important word in the word: I

Thorns on the Roses

Every rose has a matter how beautiful it is..and so it is with can be so lovely when you're deeply in love, lying in your lover's arms, feeling so warm and close, hearing the soft rhythm of each other's breaths.. you don't wanna be anywhere else in this world ...but when you're apart, it's like the thorns that prick.. it's painful and aching..

No choice. If you don't love, you don't miss, you don't ache.. so let it be..

Missing this special person like crazy..and it's only 2 pm!

I think i'd better go and plan such a packed schedule that time will fly by like crazy ...

Saturday, February 6, 2010

What I didn't Say

There's a song by Saving Jane called "What I didn't Say"..

It's so true that what we didn't say says more than what we did say. I'm one of those people who find it hard to express my feelings in words and in person. But it's what I didn't say that tells about the real me. So this blog in a way serves this purpose - it helps me to express what I could not say in person. I guess people who don't know the real me think I'm such a warm, confident and obliging person. What they DON'T know is that there are many sides to me. There's this angry side to me - the one you wouldn't want to mess with. I keep it hidden a lot cos I've learnt from past experiences of unleashing it that I ended up regretting it bitterly. Nothing to boast about - lashing out in anger and giving people a piece of my mind, cos I end up losing the friendship, the trust and my dignity..

Sometimes we think we know someone well but do we really? I don't think i've ever shown the REAL me to anyone yet. I'm like a chameleon. I show wat I think the person can take and hide what they don't need to know. I don't mind if nobody really knows me well, not even my family. As long as I KNOW myself well, that's all that matters. I don't seek to be understood cos I know it's too complicated and shocking. I can live with what i've done but I don't think people can. It's sad that people are so judgemental. For example, when i posted in this blog about my best friend Rosiah and I fantasizing bout giving a blow job to a colleague's husband, a few readers were shocked! "How could you? It's not rite of a woman to say such things". Men can't decide what they want. They think women should not be so wild. But in these men's fantasies are women who are wild and uninhibited.

Anyway I guess Singaporean men are still a very conservative lot. They watch porn in private but in public they pretend to frown at women who are sexily or provocatively dressed. Maybe they're brought up with values that say women must be modest and decent. I do agree that those are virtues that are highly desirable in women. They have heard stories of how such wild women end up leaving with Caucasian men. What they don't know is..these women did not leave because they were wild. They left because they were not appreciated. A lot of Asian men still don't know how to appreciate and woo their women. They treat them like maids. I should know that, cos that's what my life is like. I dress modern and so on, but at home, I'm like a maid - i do the housework, cook and take care of the kids. If I had been more appreciated, I wouldn't be wishing for my Prince Charming to come along to save me.

Appreciation is so simple to do - just a word of thanks or a hug but the consequences of neglecting it can be so disastrous. Let me quote an article I read on appreciation that says it all :

The Value of Appreciation
Posted on February 1, 2005

By Tim Connor

Have you ever gone out of your way for someone and received a dull stare? Have you ever gone the extra mile for a friend or relative and had them act as if it was nothing? Have you ever experienced the frustration of being a thoughtful person and been treated as if your act of kindness or thoughtful behavior was expected and deserved and not even worth a simple thank you?

Well, I have, and on too numerous occasions to mention. I am not on an appreciation crusade so please understand that I don't need a thank you every time I do the slightest act of thoughtfulness. Having said that, I am constantly amazed at how few people have the manners, good taste or simple courtesy of saying thank you when it is the appropriate thing to do. It seems that as a society we expect things from everyone.

The list of people and examples is endless. Waiters who refill your iced tea, cab drivers who handle your luggage, people who hold doors open for you, drivers who let you cut into the line of traffic, spouses who acknowledge your simple courtesies and the numerous other daily examples of thoughtfulness that people do or fail to do for whatever reason.

There are some basic premises involved in simple appreciation. People who can't find it in their behavior to thank you may have a number of things going on either consciously or unconsciously. Here are a few of the possibilities.

These people are often insecure.
Many have low self-esteem and don't feel worthy of your acts of kindness.
Many feel entitled.

Few understand the simple truth that when you appreciate my thoughtfulness it makes me want to do more for you and the opposite is also true. Your lack of appreciation makes me want to do less for you.
Some are just so inner focused and don't even recognize your thoughtfulness.
Many believe that that is your job — to do stuff for them and it doesn't warrant even a simple thank you.
A great deal of people are so stressed out today that they could care less about your thoughtfulness.
Some just were never raised with simple manners.
Many people are angry about something in life and are taking their anger out on those people in their life, even strangers, who don't deserve it.
A lot of people believe that life is really just all about them.
Do you have someone in your life who fails to appreciate or even recognize your thoughtful behaviors? If you do, I will guarantee that their behavior will sooner or later take its toll on the quality of that relationship. What these people fail to recognize is that when we have less than appreciative people in our life, we will eventually stop giving to these people and we will make other people the focus of our thoughtfulness.

If you put yourself in the category of being less than an appreciative person — most people who think they are appreciative but who are not tend to have personal blind spots in this area and if you asked them if they believe that they are really appreciative, they would tell you yes — you might want to consider what you are losing from the people in your life. They may have just decided that you are no longer worth their thoughtful consideration and have found other people to give to.

There is one problem for the givers in this world. If there are too many people who fail to appreciate giving or special people; spouses, parents, friends, bosses etc. — people who just don't give them the appreciation they feel they deserve — they may stop being thoughtful to anyone and everyone all together. The problem with this reaction is that you have let other people's behavior determine your behavior and this is a position of weakness. Trust me: I know. I have been there. Ultimately, what you have done is let these people determine how you will go through your life. Don't do it, the price is far too high.

About the Author:
Tim is the President and CEO of Connor Resource Group, Peak Performance Institute and He has been a full time professional speaker, trainer, coach, consultant and best selling author for over 30 years. Each year, over 85% of his presentations are return engagements for the same clients on such topics as peak performance management, effective leadership, customer focused sales strategies, personal motivation, leading edge customer service and building positive business and personal relationships. He is the author of over 45 books including the international best sellers, Soft Sell, That's Life, The Ancient Scrolls, The Male Gift Giving Survival Guide, Your First Year in Sales and Life Questions.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Bodies, Homes, Lovers and Jobs

I used to envy women with sexy curvy bodies but now I realise a sexy body doesn't necessarily mean happiness. It may mean even bring pain and sorrow for some women, cos having it means more attention from men and the wrong kind sometimes who's only interested in your body and nothing else. On the other hand, a fit body will make us happy cos we feel healthy and energetic. Exercise also creates endorphins which makes us happier too.

In the same vein, a well-furnished apartment or luxury house doesn't necessarily mean happiness either. A house is not a home until it is filled with laughter, love, warmth and caring. I'm glad that recently my house is becoming more of a home. We share and joke over meals that I cooked and weekends we go to gym or shopping as a family. My children look forward to coming home and so do I.

As for lovers, are the best ones necessarily the most beautiful and hunky ones? I beg to differ. I think the best lover is someone who really cares for you. You can tell cos he/she calls everyday to ask how your day is. When you are sick, he/she accompanies you to the doctor or gets you health food to help you recuperate, or go out of his/her way to give you a lift. He or she is sacrificial and thinks only of YOUR well-being, willing to go out of his/her way for you. When it comes to sex, it's not about her/his needs being met first, but making you feel loved. That's why it's called LOVE-MAKING - means making your loved one feel loved. Otherwise, it's called sex. That's why I hate flings. The men won't be making you feel loved, cos you're just a stranger. They will use your body to fulfil their lust, that's all. They expect you to be equally turned on but sorry, I don't get turned on by a strange man groping my body!! That's not love, that's MOLEST!

Now for jobs. A high paying job isn't necessarily happiness either, if it comes with lots of stress, politicking, compromise of personal principles and lack of time for loved ones and exercise. I think my job is great cos i have time to swim everyday, time to cook for my loved ones, time to sleep a solid 7 hours and at the same time I make kids happy and mould their future! It doesn't pay very well but what the heck, it pays more in personal satisfaction!!

Daily Swimming

I swam for the second consecutive day yesterday and it was really good. At first I did wonder if I'd be over-doing it but then I recalled how invigorated I felt on Tuesday nite after my swim so I decided not to think twice about it and just go ahead. The pool was crowded with both adults and kids, but so wat, a swim is a swim, doesn't matter if the pool is crowded or not. So i swam 20 laps a bit more leisurely than the previous day. After that, I felt as fit as a fiddle!! Whole body was singing with joy. I'm looking forward to tonite's swim again. Wow, this daily swimming thing is good. I did a search on the internet and came up with a lot of links on benefits of daily swimming. It's one exercise you can do daily, unlike jogging, weight training or cycling. The therapeutic effect of the water also destresses and makes one feel calmer after a hard day of work. It also provides all over body toning. I'm looking forward to a better physique already. I really don't understand how some people, particularly women can do without exercise. For me, it's my powerhouse. Without it, I actually feel more tired and drained. After exercise, I feel rejuvenated, invigorated and fresh. I'm getting more compliments at the pool too, especially in my new swimming suits, hehe. I guess it's not age that matters, but the overall package. Someone said I look fresh, glowing and fit for my age and he thought I was in my thirties! Well that's surely an incentive to continue swimming.